Welcome to Genuine Jenn, Fusty Luggs. We are happy to have you on Author Spotlight Saturday!
Tell us a little bit about yourself and why/what inspired you to write? When did you start writing?
I’m a visual artist. I trained as a ceramicist and specialised in figurative sculpture. I kept a blog for several years and thought: ‘I’ll write a book’. That was the summer of 2013. A disaster, I published, from the sheer excitement of writing 80,000 words, unedited.
What was your inspiration for ‘Jack the Ripper. The Long Arm of the Law'?
I read several books on the Ripper murders, and one-man stood out. He is such an obvious suspect. He was caught holding, not the smoking gun, but a slice of bloodied cloth, which matched Eddowes pinafore. My suspect had damaged frontal lobes, causing minimised inhibition. He also, I believe, suffered from PTSD, its negative symptoms triggered by the riots at Trafalgar Square. Journalists named him the ‘silent’ killer, but this wasn’t inexplicable. He wore regulation rubber boots issued by the Metropolitan Police.
The lives of the murdered women are so often portrayed as victims devoid of personality and mere bit-part players in the drama that is Jack the ripper. They had families and friends. I wanted to show their lives and how their deaths affected the people closest to them.
What three words would you use to best describe The Pompey Sagas?
An Edwardian Romp.
Can you tell us if you’re working on anything else at the moment?
The mysterious Mary Jane Kelly.
What was your very first book that you wrote?
Blanket Hornpipe.
Other than your own, what are your favourite books?
Historical, thrillers and mysteries.
When you are writing do you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
No, I don’t. I find music takes command of my mood. I listen to Radio 4, background television noise, and in the summer, with the patio doors open, the chirrup of birds and the rumble of traffic.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Charlie Price, a psychopath with a soft spot.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
Yes, and yes. Although, funnily enough, only the flattering characteristics; negative traits remain unclaimed or ignored.
What’s your favorite treat?
It’s not a treat, well, I suppose it is, but also essential. Coffee sprinkled with chocolate. I have a bean to cup coffee machine. I’m not a kitchen gadget girl but this beastie is welcome to clutter my counters.
What’s your Favorite place to read/write?
I write with my laptop balanced on my lap in the living room. I type on a small notepad. This keeps me from the office and straying online, which I find a distraction. I always want to look up something. One piece of research leads to another, and before I know it, I’ve used/misused several hours. Now I make a list of items to explore and follow those up, online, later.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Ah, that’s easy, Berne Switzerland.
Thank you Fusty for taking time out of your busy schedule to chat with us here on Genuine Jenn
Purchase a copy on Amazon and check out our review of Jack the Ripper The Long Arm of the Law by Fusty Luggs.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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