Book Description:
Fast-paced and addictive, THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR announces a major new talent in thriller writing.
You never know what's happening on the other side of the wall.
Your neighbour told you that she didn't want your six-month-old daughter at the dinner party. Nothing personal, she just couldn't stand her crying.
Your husband said it would be fine. After all, you only live next door. You'll have the baby monitor and you'll take it in turns to go back every half hour.
Your daughter was sleeping when you checked on her last. But now, as you race up the stairs in your deathly quiet house, your worst fears are realized. She's gone.
You've never had to call the police before. But now they're in your home, and who knows what they'll find there.
What would you be capable of, when pushed past your limit?
Purchase a copy on Indigo Canada.
About the Author:
SHARI LAPENA worked as a lawyer and as an English teacher before turning to writing fiction. She has written two critically acclaimed literary novels. The Couple Next Door is her suspense debut.
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I read The Couple Next Door for the Indigo book club in February 2017. I have to say I am hooked on these types of stories right now - The Girl on the Train, The Woman in Cabin 10, Gone Girl etc. The suspenseful, thriller mystery that has a lot of psychological aspects to it seem to be everywhere and I am just loving them. This book starts out where you honestly think what are these new parents thinking, only to have the author take you on a crazy journey of wondering who did it and really why would they do it. I don't want to give away any of the story so I will review mainly the authors writing style and characters in this book. The main two characters are Anne and Marco. From the beginning I really like Anne but I am not sure about Marco. I keep my distance, then a little later on I wonder what is going on with the couple next door. Is Marco having an affair with Cynthia? I see a couple struggling with the joys of a new baby and mom having postpartum depression but would they harm their own child.
The author gets right into the story and takes us on a roller coaster ride, will you predict what the end will be? I was glued to the book. The story keeps a nice pace throughout where I was totally engaged in the story. I didn't see all the surprises coming and was left thinking, wow, really. I can't wait to read more from Shari Lapena. I give The Couple Next Door a 4 out of 5 Stars.

~*Disclaimer: I received the above book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.*~
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