Today we had a chance to sit down and chat with Reed Abbitt Moore read on to learn more about Piggy Sense! and what Reed is working on now.
Hi Reed, welcome to Genuine Jenn. Tell us a little bit about yourself and why/what inspired you to write? When did you start writing?
“I have been writing since I was a teenager. I loved, and still do, to write poems. Writing is like painting with words, the paper is the canvas, the pen is the brush, the words are the colors and the verbs, nouns and adjectives are the blending of the hues that add depth to the picture you are creating.
What was your inspiration for ‘Piggy Sense! Save it for a rainy day'?
The economy and a desire to see it change. It seems as though people are borrowing further and further into their future. We cannot leave this burden on the backs of our children! We are coming to a point of breaking the economics of this country and perhaps even the world!
The best way I can see to change it, is to change the way our children view money. Money is a symbol of value, but how we spend it reflects our values. You can tell a whole lot about a person by how they earn money, but even more by the way they spend it!
What three words would you use to best describe Piggy Sense!?
Educational, wisdom, frugality!
Can you tell us if you’re working on anything else at the moment?
Yes! I’m working on getting two more books out at the moment “The Zoo Is a Rockin” that teaches children that going to sleep has its rewards and “Jibber Jabber” A story that teaches it is sometimes better to listen than to talk too much.
What was your very first book that you wrote?
The Crimson Feather. I’m still editing this book and plan on releasing it someday…
Other than your own, what are your favorite books?
I’ll tell you my favorite authors, I love J.R.R Tolkien, Edgar Allen Poe, Dr. Seuss, H.G. Wells so many.
When you are writing do you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
I love to listen to classical music or nature sounds.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Jibber Jabber. She learns a lesson and implements the solution.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
I wrote Jibber Jabber on a whim, and then read it to my sister. After listening to the story and laughing hilariously, she looked at me and said, “That story is about me isn’t it!” Now every time she refers to the story she calls it Blather Mouth, which I think is a good name for the book in itself, however, I’ll stick with Jibber Jabber.
What’s your favorite treat?
To make someone smile!
What’s your Favorite place to read/write?
Anywhere I am I fell is a good place.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I love the mountains and will always live near them. They are an old friend.
Purchase a copy of Piggy Sense! on Amazon.
Thank you, Reed for taking the time to chat with us!

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