Book Description:
What do you really need?
One by one, the teens in Nottawa, Wisconsin, join the newest, hottest networking site and answer one question: What do you need? A new iPhone? Backstage passes to a concert? In exchange for a seemingly minor task, the NEED site will fulfill your request. Everyone is doing it. So why shouldn’t you?
Kaylee Dunham knows what she needs—a kidney for her sick brother. She doesn’t believe a social networking site can help, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
Or could it?
After making her request, Kaylee starts to realize the price that will have to be paid for her need to be met. The demands the site makes on users in exchange for their desires are escalating, and so is the body count. Will Kaylee be able to unravel the mystery of who created the NEED network before it destroys them all?
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Here is a story written for teens that really make the reader aware of what some people feel is a need not a want. What or how far will someone go for something they really want in their life. This new social media site has asked the teens to do some pranks but will it go further? I have been enjoying more books about social media themes.
This is a YA physiological thriller. I found the story line moves at a steady pace, the characters are developed over the whole book as we see what they would really do for a thrill or a need. Some are just playing the game and others are out for a true need. This book is was written in a few different characters perspectives with Kaylee being the main character and her chapters being the longest. The author gives the characters their own chapters to keep track of who is who. I find some early chapters are written quick and short, more for a lead up on what will happen later on. Keeping the reading guessing who will do something really bad for what they feel they NEED. Closer to the end of the story I was piecing it together and figured it out by the end. The author definitely threw in some curve balls that I wasn't expecting
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars.

~*Disclaimer: I received the above book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.*~
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