Kidnapped. Confused. Afraid.
Ophelia wakes up to find herself an unwilling pawn in a plot for revenge.
Pain. Blood. Loyalty.
These things bind Sawyer to a promise he struggles to keep.
Sawyer doesn't want to hurt Ophelia. Ophelia doesn't want to be hurt. But somethings are unavoidable. What happens when trust is broken? What happens when fear and love collide?
Hearts get broken and lives get shattered when the Sins of the Father are brought to bear.
Available on Amazon
Meet the Author:
Jamie Canosa is a full time author of YA literature, which she absolutely loves. When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can usually be found with her nose in a book. She currently resides in Upstate NY with her wonderful husband and three crazy kids . . . plus the cats, the dogand the rabbit.Review:
Sins of the Father by Jamie Canosa had me endlessly on the edge, wondering what would happen to the character Fi. She is a safe reserved gal, whose friend Lisa drags her to a wild Frat house party. She thinks Sawyer is her knight in shining armor. Only to discover things go very wrong. Don't ever let your guard down and trust someone to much. Dark wooded nights, dreaded motives, and a hidden secret lead to acts of despair. She may be falling for the enemy. But will the revenge his accomplice seeks for them both, lead to her death. A past filled with heartache , abuse, and death. We are so vulnerable as human beings. A gleam of hope in someone's eye they may have compassion, could change everything. Life goes on. The whole circle of love, friends, and family are tested for truth and value. We let things go for a reason. This book is very well written. The flow is extremely easy, and you won't want to put the book down. Just when you think you have the next clue figured out, something changes. Just the thing I like in a plot and story line. A hook that keep a reader going till the end. Four stars for the author and the book.
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