Please welcome Samantha Fischer, author of Love and Self Discovery to Genuine Jenn!
Tell us a little bit about yourself and why/what inspired you to write? When did you start writing?
I did a little bit of writing in high school, but that was mostly poetry and depressing first person narratives. I still have some of them, but they honestly aren’t very good and are extremely depressing. I started writing fiction in college when I took a Creative Writing class.
What was your inspiration for ‘Love and Self Discovery'?
I wrote Love and Self Discovery for a class titled The Novella in college where we spent the semester learning how to write and publish our own novellas. I got the idea because a year or so before I took this class I came out to my very conservative parents as bisexual. The story is basically my fears in high school about coming out to my parents and what I felt the worst case scenario would have been if I had come out to them then.
What three words would you use to best describe Love and Self Discovery?
Heartfelt, raw, emotional
Can you tell us if you’re working on anything else at the moment?
Right now I’m working on my first full length novel which is about a faerie/vampyre hybrid who falls in love with a human. I’m only on chapter 2 so I’m not sure when it will be completed or even the entire story line. I like to let my stories write themselves.
What was your very first book that you wrote?
Love and Self Discovery
Other than your own, what are your favourite books?
Anything by Stephen King, A Tale of Two Cities, and the Mountain Man series by William Johnstone
When you are writing do you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
Sometimes I’ll listen to classical piano like Beethoven and Mozart when I’m writing, but most of the time I write in silence. It let’s me hear my characters voices better in my head.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Nyx is the main character of the book I’m currently writing and I love her. She’s somewhat based on me, but better.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
Yes. Almost every main character I’ve ever written was based off of people I know. In Love and Self Discovery, the main character was me, her girlfriend is based off of my girlfriend at the time, and the parents are based off of mine (though my parents were much less harsh when I came out to them). To a certain extent the parents in Love and Self Discovery are also based off of every Christian adult I knew growing up who acted like they were so much better than everyone else just because they went to church.
In the book I’m writing now, the main character is again based off of me, and her love interest is based off of my boyfriend.
Most people don’t seem to mind that I base my characters off of them.
What’s your favorite treat?
Anything bread related: donuts, muffins, bread, rolls, etc.
What’s your Favorite place to read/write?
Writing: anywhere that’s quiet enough for me to get into the story
Reading: a comfy chair with a warm blanket and something yummy to drink
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Probably somewhere remote. I like being able to see the stars at night so I’d like to live somewhere where street lights don’t exist.
Purchase a copy of Love and Self Discovery on Amazon.
Connect with Samantha on Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Blog |
Thank you Samantha for taking time to chat with us on Author Spotlight Saturday!
I did a little bit of writing in high school, but that was mostly poetry and depressing first person narratives. I still have some of them, but they honestly aren’t very good and are extremely depressing. I started writing fiction in college when I took a Creative Writing class.
What was your inspiration for ‘Love and Self Discovery'?
I wrote Love and Self Discovery for a class titled The Novella in college where we spent the semester learning how to write and publish our own novellas. I got the idea because a year or so before I took this class I came out to my very conservative parents as bisexual. The story is basically my fears in high school about coming out to my parents and what I felt the worst case scenario would have been if I had come out to them then.
What three words would you use to best describe Love and Self Discovery?
Heartfelt, raw, emotional
Can you tell us if you’re working on anything else at the moment?
Right now I’m working on my first full length novel which is about a faerie/vampyre hybrid who falls in love with a human. I’m only on chapter 2 so I’m not sure when it will be completed or even the entire story line. I like to let my stories write themselves.
What was your very first book that you wrote?
Love and Self Discovery
Other than your own, what are your favourite books?
Anything by Stephen King, A Tale of Two Cities, and the Mountain Man series by William Johnstone
When you are writing do you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
Sometimes I’ll listen to classical piano like Beethoven and Mozart when I’m writing, but most of the time I write in silence. It let’s me hear my characters voices better in my head.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Nyx is the main character of the book I’m currently writing and I love her. She’s somewhat based on me, but better.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
Yes. Almost every main character I’ve ever written was based off of people I know. In Love and Self Discovery, the main character was me, her girlfriend is based off of my girlfriend at the time, and the parents are based off of mine (though my parents were much less harsh when I came out to them). To a certain extent the parents in Love and Self Discovery are also based off of every Christian adult I knew growing up who acted like they were so much better than everyone else just because they went to church.
In the book I’m writing now, the main character is again based off of me, and her love interest is based off of my boyfriend.
Most people don’t seem to mind that I base my characters off of them.
What’s your favorite treat?
Anything bread related: donuts, muffins, bread, rolls, etc.
What’s your Favorite place to read/write?
Writing: anywhere that’s quiet enough for me to get into the story
Reading: a comfy chair with a warm blanket and something yummy to drink
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Probably somewhere remote. I like being able to see the stars at night so I’d like to live somewhere where street lights don’t exist.
Purchase a copy of Love and Self Discovery on Amazon.
Connect with Samantha on Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter | Blog |
Thank you Samantha for taking time to chat with us on Author Spotlight Saturday!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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