Book Description:
Mystery, Humor, Romance--a Christmas story of a man who gives too much
When nine-year-old Tom Newton is saved from icy death by a stranger who disappears into the night, the story captures public attention. The tabloid Star eventually identifies the unknown hero as a wealthy, reclusive publisher, Owen Adair.
Sara Newton wants nothing more than to thank her son's rescuer from the bottom of her heart. The Star wants that too, as long as they have an exclusive. Managing to elude the press, Sara eventually meets Owen, and discovers he has a poor opinion of his impulsive action. But he has troubles of his own, and Sara is more than happy to help him because of his brave act--until he does something that turns her gratitude to anger.
Thanks to the media, Sara and Owen find their names inextricably linked. Sara must solve the mystery of a man with a host of friends who never see him, while Owen grapples with the knowledge that Sara dislikes the best thing about him.
Set during the Christmas season, Owen's Day is the story of a man who gives too much, and the family and city who insist on thanking him. Along the way it explores the value of risk-taking as a catalyst for human progress.
Purchase a copy on Amazon.
About the Author:
Helen Yeomans tried short stories, scripts and screenplays before settling on the novel as her preferred form. She is currently working on her fifth.
Yeomans has a background in the publishing industry and worked in Toronto (Prentice-Hall) and London (Mitchell-Beazley) before founding her own company in Vancouver, providing editing and writing services to business clients worldwide. Her first book, The Christmas Carol Handbook, was published in 1987 and sold 10,000 copies.
She fell into fiction writing by accident while exploring the film industry as a source of editorial contracts. After writing three feature length film scripts, one of which was optioned, she tried her hand at shorter scripts then other fiction forms, including short stories for children.
Owen’s Day, her first novel, continued the Christmas theme with its story of a man who gives too much. Published in 2011, it was followed a year later by Ang Tak (“Little Tiger”), a story of international intrigue centered on an amateur golfer and his caddy at the Masters. In November 2013 came The Money Tree, about a close-knit family living on the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, and their unusual trees. The story explores the stability of paper money and family. Most recently, Return to Kaitlin is a story of a young man’s odyssey across northern Canada.
Born in England and raised in Canada, Yeomans is a libertarian with a lifelong interest in the relationship between people and their governments. She is an avid golfer who generally succeeds in playing well approximately once a year, loves movies and music and reading. She’s currently at work on her fifth novel.
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~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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