I'll admit I was never really into short stories. I really loved picking up a paperback and getting lost in a whole other world. There is just something about putting myself into a story that takes some time to finish, really get involved with the characters and the story line. Then came kids and I never had time to read, I would pick up magazines to read here and there. Then came some articles online. Never did I even think about looking for a book with short stories. It did not cross my mind. Lately, I have been reading more short stories from authors I have met online. I think they are great, if you have only 10-15 minutes here and there, you can easily read a short story and still give your mind and soul something to feed on.
I know everyone is busy with the holidays fast approaching, what? you didn't realize there is only 7 more days before Christmas? No worries, you are not the only one. There are tons of us scrambling to get ready.
Want to read some Christmas stories but don't have time for a whole novel? Here are a few that will help with that need.
Check out two short stories by Chris Keane, these stories are based on some of Chris' past holidays and are sure to make you laugh out loud! Solo Christmas and Christmas Service
Have you read Thirteen by Shannon Peel? If not make sure to check out my review and pick up a copy. For those who have read Thirteen and need something to tied you over until book #2 comes out (Shannon says she is working hard on it!) visit Shannon's blog to read about Jack from Thirteen.
Occupied Christmas Part 1
Occupied Christmas Part 2
Occupied Christmas Part 3
Occupied Christmas Part 4
Occupied Christmas Part 5
Occupied Christmas Part 6 and I heard there is a Part 7 coming up!
I am working on my own short story for the holidays. I hope to post it between Christmas and New Years if I can bring myself to finishing it and put it out there for everyone to read. Yikes!
Enjoy these short stories this holiday season!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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