Yoga is one of my favorite workouts and I am working towards a goal of practicing yoga 3 times a week, even if it is just a quick 15 minute yoga flow. I am looking to work towards learning to lengthen, tone and learn to mediate. The body & mind feels so good after a good yoga flow that I have now become a huge fan of Yoga. I have a small DVD collection started but I also have some favorite YouTube Yogis I follow because they offer free online classes and tips on how to do different poses and flows. This gives me a lot of options depending on what I am looking to do that day. There is everything from mediation, restorative, power, detox, etc.
Here are my top 5 YouTube Yogis
Erin Motz aka Bad Yogi - Erin is one of the first YouTube Yogis I started out with and absolutely love Erin to pieces. She is so sweet, quiet and very relaxing. I took part in Erin's 30 day yoga challenge which is great for beginners. Erin teaches you a new flow each day that is geared to a certain part of the body or working towards a pose. I love learning all the different flows to help your lower back or open up your hips or chest etc.
Yoga with Adriene - Adriene is super funny with a light voice. She is a great instructor and I find it really easy to follow along with her flows. There are flows for all kinds - some for runners, beginners, bedtime, morning, healing and even a 30 day yoga practice. I love the foundation of yoga section also as Adriene breaks down each pose and walks you threw them with tons of great instructions. Perfect for beginners.
SarahBethYoga - Sarah Beth offers 5-30 minute Hatha yoga, Power yoga, Vinyasa yoga & Restorative yoga videos. The videos are usually posted as part of a series like "Yoga for Scoliosis" "Yoga for Women" "Power Yoga Workouts" etc. If you are like myself than you will be very excited to try Sarah Beth's Intermediate arm balance series! These are my goals to work on.
Yoga by Candace - Candace has a huge selection of yoga flow videos of all types, power, meditation, stress relief, after work, core etc. 15, 20, 30 minutes and even 45, 50 & a 60 minute flow videos. Candace has a gentle voice which is great for yoga and I find she gives great directions so you don't feel like you have to be watching all the time and you can focus on your breath and pose. Pop over to Candace's blog where she offers challenges, March is Balance Project.
Fightmaster Yoga - I have just recently found Lesley's channel and haven't done many of her flows yet but have watched a bunch and love them. Her voice is nice and soft and her instructions are very descriptive and easy to follow along. I found Lesley when I was looking up arm balance flows for beginners and found tons of great flows. Most classes are around 30 minutes but there are lots closer to an hour if you have the time.
I do subscribe to other channels and I love finding other flows that work for my practice but these ladies have been my go to yogis when I am looking for a yoga flow I know I will love and feel great after. I also love that they update often with new flows and tips. Check them out and let me know which are your favorite!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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