Book Synopsis:
Tallulah de Longland,' she said slowly, letting all the Ls in my name loll about lazily in her mouth before passing judgement. 'That,' she announced, 'is a seriously glamorgeous name.'
From the day Annabelle Andrews sashays into her classroom, Tallulah 'Lulu' de Longland is bewitched by Annabelle, by her family, and their sprawling, crumbling house tumbling down to the river.
Their unlikely friendship intensifies through a secret language where they share confidences about their unusual mothers, first loves, and growing up in the small, coastal town of Juniper Bay. Their lives become as entwined as Annabelle's initials engraved beneath the de Longland kitchen table.
But the euphoria of youth rarely lasts, and the implosion that destroys their friendship leaves lasting scars and a legacy of self-doubt that haunts Lulu into adulthood.
Years later, Lulu is presented with a choice: remain the perpetual good girl who misses out, or finally step out from the shadows and do something extraordinary. And possibly unforgiveable.
It's not how far you fall, but how high you bounce.
Purchase a copy on Amazon.
About the Author:
Frances Whiting is one of Australia’s best known and most popular writers. A senior feature writer for Queensland’s premier weekend magazine, Q Weekend in the Courier Mail, Frances is also a much loved columnist for the Sunday Mail, and other Sunday newspapers around Australia, with her weekly column now in its nineteenth year. Two bestselling collections of her columns have been published in Australia: Oh to Be a Marching Girl (2003), and That’s a Home Run, Tiger! (2006). Frances lives in Brisbane, Queensland with her husband and two children.
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I really enjoyed this book. Right from the beginning it had me hooked on the story, with it starting right from the affair Tallulah has with her first love on his wedding night. The story is like a flashback telling us how Tallulah gets into bed with him. Right from when she meet Annabelle Andrews. I really wasn't fond of Annabelle. There is just something that rubbed me the wrong way right from the beginning. I fell in love with Tallulah and could really feel for this character through her life journey. I will say I cried my eyes out a few times during this book. It is great to have been so emotionally attached to the characters. Keep a box of tissue close. Tallulah is a caregiver from such an early age that she doesn't really know how to live a life without caring for others. This takes her through many emotional relationships with friends and family. This story was well written and you could tell that the author put her heart & soul into these characters, developing them and their lives. I really didn't want to put this book down and hope that there will be a second book!
I give this book a 5 out of 5 stars! You really should read it.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received the above book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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