I have decided now that I am finished P90 that I would take my fitness & nutrition to the EXTREME for three weeks with Autumn Calabrese and her newest fitness & nutrition program called the 21 Day Fix Extreme.
This week is just the beginning of a three week adventure into carb depletion. The 21 Day Fix Extreme program is another Beachbody program that I decided to buy and try out. I am not a coach at the moment ( I am thinking about becoming one because I would love to help others achieve their fitness goals but that is something for another post all together). Anyways with this new program you have a few choices you can either follow the Extreme eating plan, no treats or cheats, the Extreme plan with a 3 day carb depletion to finish or you an follow the Countdown to Competition plan which Autumn uses for her photo shoots or bikini competitions. I decided after lots of thinking about it that I would go Extreme and use the Countdown to Competition plan. Why not right? The whole "Go Big or Go Home" thought came to mind when I was deciding. I also wanted to see what I could achieve with this program.
I am part of an accountability which will help me stay accountable and I will be sharing my food & exercise on here, Twitter and Instagram. I will try and update Facebook also but I am finding my posts are not reaching my fans as much as my other social channels so I have been spending more time there. Also both Instgram & Twitter are a lot of fun! Come join me!
Over the next three weeks I will be committing to more than just the Extreme workouts that this program has to offer, I will be dialing in on my nutrition. 70-80% of our results are made in the kitchen so here it is, a clean eating plan to get my body on track and ready for the rest of my life. I am not doing this for quick weight loss. I am doing this as a life style change to help keep me fit, healthy, strong and happy. I will be giving up on treats and getting tons of fresh foods and proteins. I will be avoiding boxed foods, anything with ingredients that I cannot pronounce or have no idea what they are. I am going back to the basics I guess you could say, back to the days where there wasn't so many quick packaged highly processed foods for available for us to buy and prepare.
The best part of this is I wont be starving myself to get my body where I want it. I will be doing it safely by eating tons of food, more food than I am actually used to. It will be less starchy carbs than I am used to but that is okay as my body doesn't need as much as I have been eating. Healthy carbs, proteins and fats will be on the menu.
I will share my menus and some tasty recipes to help everyone on their journey to a fit, healthier, happier you. Planning the countdown to competition menu wasn't easy at all as the food bracket I am in calls for 9 proteins on certain days! It was hard to figure that out. On those days I only eat a 2 starchy carbs. Lots of veggies on all days and no fruit on some. This will be a challenge but I am totally up for it.
The workouts for this program are all EXTREME, including weights with most and the yoga is not a beginners yoga. There is a modifier though in each workout and I am sure beginners would be able to follow along. The plan is to workout daily for 30 minutes of intense fitness with an active recovery day being the yoga. I will let you know how these are going once I get started this week. Today is Plyo Extreme and it definitely was no joke. My legs are on FIRE! I am wondering how they will feel tonight or tomorrow.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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