
A Little Challenge Never Hurt Anyone, Right? ~ Fitness

It has been a crazy busy month or so with getting back into the swing of things with school, my new fitness journey and getting prepared for Blissdom Canada conference. I wrote a post to update you on my workouts during level 2 of Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred and also to challenge myself to some personal goals. Guess what? I forgot to post it. I decided I would rewrite my post so that it is more up to date.

My husband has jumped into the workouts with me and has been really enjoying himself with the level 2 workouts. He didn't realize the other day after I came home from the conference that we were starting level 3! Were we both surprised on the difference between level 2&3!

In level 3 we have seen an increase in cardio, core and upper body workout. Who am I kidding my legs are burning after it also. It is just a huge increase in every part of our body. I am glad I decided to try this video workout before Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. There isn't much time to think during this workout. It is a get in there and get it done. I really like the 30 minutes or under workouts as I find it hard to make more time to workout. As it is I work out in the evenings even though I have been told it is better to workout in the am. I just can't squeeze it in. I am going to try to aim to squeeze in Yoga in the am or 10 minute HIIT workouts.  

This month I decided to also add a push up challenge to my regular workouts. This challenge is from Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. Check it out they even have a Facebook event to check in with each day to stay motivated. I am a couple days behind but I am taking at my own pace and working through the challenge even if it takes me a few extra days. The Jillian workout has push ups, burpees and side planks that make my arms jello at the end of the workout so on those days I try to work in the push up challenge in the am.

Next month I am thinking about working on burpees as they are a great total body workout and I would love to have the strength from them. Right now I curse them in the workout with Jillian but I know with time and practice I will get stronger and better at them.

What is your biggest workout challenge or goal?

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~


  1. You are truly inspiring me, girl! Thank you for that!

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Aww thank you! I am hoping with blogging about my fitness journey it will help others that would like to do one also.


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