Dreams (Cassie Scot #4)
Scot and Victor Blackwood have despised one another for nearly a quarter of a
century, but now their simmering hatred is about to erupt.
Cassie Scot returns home from her sojourn in Pennsylvania, she finds that her
family has taken a hostage. Desperate to end the fighting before someone dies,
Cassie seeks help from local seer Abigail Hastings, Evan Blackwood’s
grandmother. But Abigail has seen her own death, and when it comes at the hand
of Cassie’s father, Victor Blackwood kills Edward Scot.
things may not be precisely as they appear.
persuades Cassie to help him learn the truth, teaming them up once again in
their darkest hour. New revelations about Evan and his family make it difficult
for Cassie to cling to a shield of anger, but can Evan and Cassie stop a feud
that has taken on a life of its own? Conclusion to the Cassie Scot series.
About the author:

At the age of 16,
Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that effects the
retina and causes a loss of central vision. She is now legally blind, but has
not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams.
In addition to
writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does
some freelance editing work.
Christine currently
lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her
biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children.
You can follow Christine on, facebook, twitter, website, blog, Google+, goodreads and sign up for her newsletter.
You can buy stolen dreams on Amazon, and Barnes and Nobel.
My review:
An amazing conclusion. This series captured me from the first book, and although i'm sad it's over, this conclusion was very well written just as the 3 other had been done. I can't help but hold out hope i could see this story turned into a script. Christine is a talented writer and she has me as a fan for life.
In the page turning conclusion Cassie is thrown once again in the middle of the dramatic feud between her father and Evan's father. Victor killing her father Edward however is not something anyone saw coming... Could it really have been what the eyes of hundreds of witnesses have seen, or could it be a much more darker side of magic no one wanted to believe. Rather than be held hostage by Evan (for her own safety of course) she has accepted his offer to work together to investigate if Victor Blackwood was really the killer. While working together Evan hopes a bet of true love can help Cassie see she does love him, but her heart still stays focused on her father's killer. Exciting surprise is what becomes of Cassie's apprenticeship with Evan's grandmother. It appears Cassie does have something of value, and it's far rare than anything a wizard can do!
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