All new SmarTrike touch steering bike trike
SmarTrike is sold at Toy`s R Us, and retails for $169.99. This bike has some incredible features including the ability to convert to different stages as your child grows. It`s best suited for your child from 10 months to 3 years.
The website, shares the bikes features in a detailed 2 minute video as well as the link to your local Toy`s R Us.
Let`s start off by talking about;
The assembly.

Too cute not to share. It was a family affair!
The rest of the credit must go to my husband René.
The final product. The assembly took approximately 15-20 minutes (with children helping) and it was fairly simple to assemble.
One step was missing in the instructions, the seat needs to be removed from the frame in order to properly screw in the crotch strap. Simple to do, but a pain to add in once the rest of the bike is assembled and you realize the crotch strap is still sitting on the sidelines.
The ride.
Well there was very few complaints from either one of my children. By few I mean my three year old wanted to know when it could be her turn :)
Here we are in stage one.
Stage two
Stage three
Stage four
Switching through the stages was a very simple process, and you can remove the parts as fitted for your child`s needs. You could leave the padded seat on during stage two, the only difference is the strap, harness vs waist. Switching the front wheel from stroller mode to trike mode is as simple as pushing a button and rotating the wheel 180 degrees.
The features.
This lightweight trike comes in 3 different color patterns; black and white, red with black and white, or purple with black and white. It also offers a comfortable padded seat, and the neck guards on the harness strap were an appreciated bonus. Suspension for those bumpy sidewalks, the wheels are rubber not plastic. Safety bar is large and roomy, your child won`t feel confined and can still wiggle comfortably and remain safe. There is a roomy storage bag on the back which can transport snacks, or light shopping. The Sun canopy provides UV protection. The parent handle is adjustable in height, it even went low enough for big sister to take her turn to push. The foot rest (used in stages 1 & 2) completely folds out of the way and can be restored by simply pulling a small lever underneath.
The most amazing feature this trike has is the touch steering. There is no twisting your wrist to move the direction of the wheel, you can literally steer this trike in any direction with just one hand. I loved it, and so did my children.
In their opinion; the most amazing feature... The cell phone!
Let`s hope he avoids any tickets for distracted driving ;)
Final word.
I give this trike 5 bright stars, I highly recommend this trike if you're preparing to make a purchase like this for your child. Again I am very thankful for the opportunity to review such an amazing product.
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