Book Synopsis:
When a young, naive woman loses herself in the wealth and power of an older, well acclaimed businessman in New York, she is blinded by the enthrallment of the extravagant lifestyle he can provide.
For years, Chelsea Barwick has succumbed to the demanding confines of Leo Eiden only to realize that he is incapable of loving her the way she longs to be loved. With his love for money overshadowing his love for her, she is pushed to the edge of despair. The blinders come off and Chelsea finally sees Leo for what he really is, a deceptive, cheating man who believes that true happiness can only come from money.
Falling into the arms of Jax Goulding, who is as mysterious as he is gorgeous, was inevitable for Chelsea. Fueled by deceitful rage, she is determined to fight fire with fire, only to encounter more than what she bargained for. Getting involved with Jax doesn’t come without its challenges. It does, however, come with an undeniable physical attraction toward a man who teaches her a whole new meaning of the word desire with his sexual taunting tendencies that leave her begging for more.
Purchase a copy on Kobo | Amazon | Devine Destinies |
About the Author:
Hi! I'm Tessa Brookfield. I was born and raised in London, Ontario, Canada. I am a wife and mother of two amazing children.
Blinders Off is my first published work, but I promise there is definitely more to come.
Quite often, I get asked where my ideas come from. Well, one night I dreamt about a black limo. Something as simple and insignificant as that morphed into a 57,000 word story. Okay, so there was a little more to it than just a black limo, but that was the spark that lit the fuse. Sometimes it's a place I've been, or something I've seen that starts the wheels turning becoming my next story in the making. There is always a storyline, or two, rolling around inside my head just waiting to make it to my laptop. I don't have a plan or a formula that I follow, I just write. My stories evolve as I write them, and in most cases I don't know what's going to happen until I get there.
I work a full-time job, and a good chunk of my time is devoted to getting my, very active, children to where they need to be. It's amazing how you can manage to find time for something you love to do, and for me that's writing. Since the day I started I haven't been able to stop.
My stories are full of unexpected twists and turns that will touch your emotions, and of course they are sensual and steamy. The perfect escape from the everyday fast paced lives we all live.
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I was pretty excited to read this book by Tessa Brookfield for a couple reasons. First this is Tessa's debut novel and second is Canadian (Ontario, where I am from).
For a debut novel Tessa develops a storyline that flows well and is believable, with main characters, Chelsea and Jax that are very likable. Jax is also very dreamy to say the least. A man with his head on his shoulders but not an inflated ego. He does have some problems with forgiving, trusting but he is a sweet man and great with kids. Chelsea's ex Leo, I felt like smacking a few times. What a nightmare that must have been being in a relationship with a man who loves money more than is girlfriend. He was a super controlling man.
There were times when the author had me wanting to tell Chelsea to just grow up and realize that Jax is where she should be and give him time to come around but then there were times that you just knew they would figure it all out. This is a 18+ novel but it also had a nice romance behind it.
I really enjoyed Tessa's debut novel and look forward to reading more of her work in the future.
I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received a copy of the above book for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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