Please welcome Jessica Gollub to Genuine Jenn!
Jessica is a fellow Canadian that I was recently introduced to through another Canadian blogger. After you have a chance to read Jessica's interview check out my review on The Mark of the Hummingbird.
Tell us a little bit about your book(s) and yourself.
"The Mark of the Hummingbird" is my first book and it's a young adult dystopian novel about a girl named Leona who was born shortly after the beginning of a second ice-age. She, and a large group of others have survived in an underground prison. Her elders had created a society that was the only world that she knew. When the book starts she is about to turn seventeen, the age that women in "the caves" were married and expected to start bearing children. Until she discovers a disturbing truth she didn't care to know anything about the outside world, but soon finds herself standing in the middle, between the world she thought she knew and the one she knows nothing about.
"The Mark of the Hummingbird" is my first book and it's a young adult dystopian novel about a girl named Leona who was born shortly after the beginning of a second ice-age. She, and a large group of others have survived in an underground prison. Her elders had created a society that was the only world that she knew. When the book starts she is about to turn seventeen, the age that women in "the caves" were married and expected to start bearing children. Until she discovers a disturbing truth she didn't care to know anything about the outside world, but soon finds herself standing in the middle, between the world she thought she knew and the one she knows nothing about.
am married and a stay-at-home mom to two preschoolers. I love to
garden, and read, and I hate coffee (which is really a bad thing for
both a writer and a mother) so I'm tired a lot. I live in Winnipeg,
Canada and in case anyone is curious my last name is pronounced just
like "Gollum" (but with a B).
When was your first book published?
This is my first book and I published it this past January, so it's brand new!
This is my first book and I published it this past January, so it's brand new!
Are you currently working on anything?
I am working on a second book in the series called "The Song of the Sisters", but holy cow it's a tough slug when you have two rugrats at home. I'm really hoping to be able to release it by the summertime.
I am working on a second book in the series called "The Song of the Sisters", but holy cow it's a tough slug when you have two rugrats at home. I'm really hoping to be able to release it by the summertime.
Why did you decide to become an Author?
I think I've wanted to be an author since I realized that people wrote all those words in those magical books, but I'm not entirely sure I ever actually would. Lots of people want to write, but don't. That said, I have a deep fear of "never trying", so I'm a serial entrepreneur and have a lot of trouble not doing all the crazy things I dream up. That said, this "crazy idea" seems to fit. I feel at home here and think it might be the one that sticks. (At the very least, my brain is full of books that need to be written, so I won't be let off the hook any time soon.)
I think I've wanted to be an author since I realized that people wrote all those words in those magical books, but I'm not entirely sure I ever actually would. Lots of people want to write, but don't. That said, I have a deep fear of "never trying", so I'm a serial entrepreneur and have a lot of trouble not doing all the crazy things I dream up. That said, this "crazy idea" seems to fit. I feel at home here and think it might be the one that sticks. (At the very least, my brain is full of books that need to be written, so I won't be let off the hook any time soon.)
Who and what inspired you to write?
There is no real defining moment, more like a thousand inklings. The main reason I made myself start this time was because I really believed in the story. I came up with it during those long nights with screaming, fussy, nursing babies, when I should have been sleeping but instead was sitting in the dark, rocking in my chair with an infant who refused to sleep in bed. Once I had the story, it was "just" needing to sit down and write it out.
There is no real defining moment, more like a thousand inklings. The main reason I made myself start this time was because I really believed in the story. I came up with it during those long nights with screaming, fussy, nursing babies, when I should have been sleeping but instead was sitting in the dark, rocking in my chair with an infant who refused to sleep in bed. Once I had the story, it was "just" needing to sit down and write it out.
When you are writing to you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
I listen to nothing... absolutely nothing. When I write is the only time the house is quiet, because it's the only time the kids are at a babysitter.
I listen to nothing... absolutely nothing. When I write is the only time the house is quiet, because it's the only time the kids are at a babysitter.
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Hm, I think it's a toss-up between Leona (because she's a lot like me) and Ember. I really like Ember. She's been dealt a crummy hand and she has a lot of anger in her, but it was really interesting to write about her.
Hm, I think it's a toss-up between Leona (because she's a lot like me) and Ember. I really like Ember. She's been dealt a crummy hand and she has a lot of anger in her, but it was really interesting to write about her.
you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family
when working on character development and if so has that friend or
family member noticed and what was their response to it?
I read once that writing was a lot like cannibalism, in that you take all your friends and family, chew them up together and from that, create your characters. I think my characters are just like people-casserole. Hah! That's really gross, but it's kind of true. I take subtle bits from people, but I don't see any of them as being exactly like someone I know. I think all the characters in this book are their own people, but that's not to say I don't have ideas that are wholly based on people I know... though I hope they don't figure that out.
I read once that writing was a lot like cannibalism, in that you take all your friends and family, chew them up together and from that, create your characters. I think my characters are just like people-casserole. Hah! That's really gross, but it's kind of true. I take subtle bits from people, but I don't see any of them as being exactly like someone I know. I think all the characters in this book are their own people, but that's not to say I don't have ideas that are wholly based on people I know... though I hope they don't figure that out.
What is your favorite book of all time?
That's a hard one, I love so many. I don't know if I can call them my favourites of "all time" but I just finished the 5 "Game of Thrones" books, and wow, those are some meaty, satisfying books for someone who devours books. I am sure I will go back to them again and again.
That's a hard one, I love so many. I don't know if I can call them my favourites of "all time" but I just finished the 5 "Game of Thrones" books, and wow, those are some meaty, satisfying books for someone who devours books. I am sure I will go back to them again and again.
Tell us in one sentence why we should read your books.
You should read my book, because even though I wrote it and was fully immersed in writing it, I still want to read it again. I write the books I want to read.
You should read my book, because even though I wrote it and was fully immersed in writing it, I still want to read it again. I write the books I want to read.
Jessica has written The Mark of the Hummingbird it is available on Amazon (paperback and Kindle), (paperback and Nook),
Kobo Store, iBooks, and McNally Robinson (in Winnipeg and online)
Where can people connect with you?
Please do! I do my best to be a real person and not just talk about my books all the time. I love to hear from people.
Thanks for taking your time to answer our questions!
Jessica would like to offer two lucky Genuine Jenn readers their own e-copy of The Mark of the Hummingbird! Enter below.
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~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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