Please welcome Candace Knoebel to Author Spotlight Saturday!
Tell us a little bit about your book(s) and yourself.
I’m a stay-at-home mom who has a never-ending pile of laundry to fold and two children who keep me on my toes. I love to sing, dance, laugh, watch movies, jog...the norm. I’m very shy if I don’t know you, and way too outgoing if I do. I’m like the epitome of contradiction, even down to my socks. :)
When was your first book published?
My first novel, Born in Flames, was published on September 5th, 2012.
Are you currently working on anything?
Yep! I’m working on a novella in my Night Watchmen Series which is titled: The Gramm Curse. After that’s finished, I will be working on book two in the series.
Why did you decide to become an Author?
Honestly, because I had typed ‘the end’ and knew the next step was putting it in someone’s hands. I never expected to actually become an author. I mainly wrote for myself. But when I finished the novel, I realized there was so much more I could do with it other than leaving it on my computer.
Who and what inspired you to write?
I don’t think it was any one thing or person. I’ve always had an urge for anything creative and crafty. Writing has always been a go-to for me when I needed a moment to reflect or center myself. I had the main character of the Born in Flames Trilogy, Aurora, floating around in my head for a few years, and one night, I finally decided to sit down and write her story. Maybe it was fate putting me on the path I needed to be on.
When you are writing to you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
Absolutely. Music is a must for me. I have my writing playlist which consists of a lot of indie alternative rock, indie electronica, etc. My current favorite bands to write to are London Grammar, Mutemath, Still Corners, it all!
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Right now it’s Faye who is the main character of Everlasting. I connected with her on a deeper level than I did with Aurora in the Born in Flames Trilogy, mostly because Everlasting is more NA than YA. Don’t get me wrong, I love my feisty, hot-headed Aurora, but the compassion and strength in Faye with all she struggles through tugs at me.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
This makes me laugh. I definitely have, and it definitely has been spotted lol. Especially with the first book in my trilogy. I was a baby writer then...naive, new to the ways of writing, so obviously I went with what I knew best which were the people around me. A couple of characters mannerisms are very prevalent and easy to spot by the loved ones I took them from.
What is your favorite book of all time?
I really can’t say there is one book that stands above the rest. Every book I have loved is unique in its own way, and I love it for that.
Tell us in one sentence why we should read your books.
Every book I write is filled with enough magic to pull you from reality and transport you to the character’s worlds.
Thanks for taking your time to answer some questions for my readers at Genuine Jenn.
Thank you so much for having me!!
Candace has written to following books:
Born in Flames, Embracing the Flames, From the Embers, Everlasting
Connect with Candace on Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter | Website
Win! Candace would like to offer one lucky Genuine Jenn reader a chance to win an e-book of Everlasting along with a signed postcard and poster!
I’m a stay-at-home mom who has a never-ending pile of laundry to fold and two children who keep me on my toes. I love to sing, dance, laugh, watch movies, jog...the norm. I’m very shy if I don’t know you, and way too outgoing if I do. I’m like the epitome of contradiction, even down to my socks. :)
When was your first book published?
My first novel, Born in Flames, was published on September 5th, 2012.
Are you currently working on anything?
Yep! I’m working on a novella in my Night Watchmen Series which is titled: The Gramm Curse. After that’s finished, I will be working on book two in the series.
Why did you decide to become an Author?
Honestly, because I had typed ‘the end’ and knew the next step was putting it in someone’s hands. I never expected to actually become an author. I mainly wrote for myself. But when I finished the novel, I realized there was so much more I could do with it other than leaving it on my computer.
Who and what inspired you to write?
I don’t think it was any one thing or person. I’ve always had an urge for anything creative and crafty. Writing has always been a go-to for me when I needed a moment to reflect or center myself. I had the main character of the Born in Flames Trilogy, Aurora, floating around in my head for a few years, and one night, I finally decided to sit down and write her story. Maybe it was fate putting me on the path I needed to be on.
When you are writing to you like to listen to music? What is on your playlist?
Absolutely. Music is a must for me. I have my writing playlist which consists of a lot of indie alternative rock, indie electronica, etc. My current favorite bands to write to are London Grammar, Mutemath, Still Corners, it all!
Who is your favorite character in your books?
Right now it’s Faye who is the main character of Everlasting. I connected with her on a deeper level than I did with Aurora in the Born in Flames Trilogy, mostly because Everlasting is more NA than YA. Don’t get me wrong, I love my feisty, hot-headed Aurora, but the compassion and strength in Faye with all she struggles through tugs at me.
Do you ever take characteristics or nuances from close friends or family when working on character development and if so has that friend or family member noticed and what was their response to it?
This makes me laugh. I definitely have, and it definitely has been spotted lol. Especially with the first book in my trilogy. I was a baby writer then...naive, new to the ways of writing, so obviously I went with what I knew best which were the people around me. A couple of characters mannerisms are very prevalent and easy to spot by the loved ones I took them from.
What is your favorite book of all time?
I really can’t say there is one book that stands above the rest. Every book I have loved is unique in its own way, and I love it for that.
Tell us in one sentence why we should read your books.
Every book I write is filled with enough magic to pull you from reality and transport you to the character’s worlds.
Thanks for taking your time to answer some questions for my readers at Genuine Jenn.
Thank you so much for having me!!
Candace has written to following books:
Born in Flames, Embracing the Flames, From the Embers, Everlasting
Connect with Candace on Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter | Website
Win! Candace would like to offer one lucky Genuine Jenn reader a chance to win an e-book of Everlasting along with a signed postcard and poster!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
Thanks for the chance to win, I love books that transport me to a magical world!