Book #1 Summary:
Vivienne Callahan has known only hardship. As if growing up with an alcoholic, drug addicted mother wasn't traumatic enough, she's escaped from her physically and verbally abusive boyfriend only to struggle every day to make ends meet as a waitress in a Minneapolis diner.
Along comes Mikah Blake, a handsome stranger who quickly takes an unexpected and persistent interest in her. On the surface, "Mr. Suit" seems to be Vivienne's opposite: rich, well-fed, successful. As Vivienne will learn, Mikah is more than he seems, and for reasons unknown, he's determined to be her knight in shining armor. But after having finally found her own two feet after years of abuse, it's difficult for her to accept Mikah's help.
Will her body's unexpected response to Mikah's touch be reason enough to overcome her pride and traumatic past and learn to love and trust? Or will her past, refusing to be left behind, come back to claim her?
Book #2 Summary:
An Angel is he...
From the first moment he saw her, MIKAH BLAKE was seized by an inexplicable need to protect Vivienne Callahan, a fragile but fiery young woman who’s awakened a slumbering power within him. With his encouragement, Vivienne has begun to turn her life around, and things seem to be heading in the direction of a slow but certain happily-ever-after. But that happy ending is side tracked by a rising evil that is determined to destroy her.
When her dark past comes back to claim her, Mikah is caught in a whirlwind of events that lead him down a path he was born into but never understood. Until now.
Can Mikah save Vivienne? Will his love be enough? Will he be able to control his angelic powers and use them to protect his new found love?
Purchase Give Me Reason & Give Me Hope in a bundle on Amazon.
About the Author:
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My Thoughts:
First off aren't those covers just amazing? These are the first books I have read from Zoey Derrick and right from the beginning I was hooked on this series! In book one it starts off with Mikah and we follow him to a dinner where we meet Vivienne, a much to skinny diner waitress. Mikah has this weird tug towards the diner and to this waitress. He just has a need to help her for some reason. The book starts off with a great pace and holds this throughout. Zoey does a fabulous job of making both leading characters very likable and make you feel part of the story. This story even though it is a paranormal (angel) story feels very believable. I had a very hard time putting down this book and then was left with a giant cliff hanger! So be prepared to have book #2 ready to go when you are finished book #1 if you are like me you will need to continue to find out what is going to happen.
Book #1 is mostly in Vivienne's point of view while she gives us a little bit into her life along the way. She is a troubled girl who has been through more than anyone needs to endure at such a young age. She is doing it all on her own and trying to survive without anyone's help.
Book #2 picks up right where book #1 left off and does a great job at picking up with the same pace and suspense. This book is in Mikah's point of view and we get to know him and his powers better. He learns more about why and who he is. Who is family was. We learn more about Mikah's mother. Mikah is such a kind, caring and handsome man who even though is a big businessman is all about helping Vivienne and he is falling in love with her.
These books are not very long just over 100 pages each but believe me once you start reading you wont want to put them down so it is a good thing that they are not super long so if you lay down to read at night you wont be up until the next morning reading one last page. I am reading book #3 and can tell you that book #2 cliff hanger isn't as bad as the first book but you will still want book #3 ready to go. Also book #1 doesn't have any romance (kissing) in it, it is more of intro into the characters and their lives. Book #2 is where the budding romance starts to take some form and more angel talk.
I give both of these books a 5 out of 5 stars. I am hooked! Keep an eye out for my review on book #3 next week.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received the above books in exchange for an honest review as part of the Reader Rater Program. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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