At the beginning of October I was on Facebook like any normal day, checking out my news feed, seeing what everyone was up to and posting a new status update. I saw a friend having an online party for Jamberry. I popped into the party to see what it was all about and discovered something that has become part of my daily life.
Jamberry is a company out of the USA that was founded by three sisters who loved hanging out and getting their nails done. They found though that it was hard to get everyone together for the time it took to go to the salon and spend a ton of money and they needed babysitters. They decided they needed a solution to this and came up with their own at home mani's. They offer a great ground level business with a wide open opportunity for women to choose how they would like to do their own business. Some join just to get a great discount on their nail wraps and other supplies and others join to make a great business opportunity for themselves. I joined to check it out, to save money and who knows maybe make a business that I can do part time with a full time income. The last would be my ultimate goal!
Anyways I jumped on the Jamberry wagon really fast, October 9th was my start up date and I started to work on this awesome opportunity right away. I set up my business page on Facebook (Jenuinely Jammin Nails), ordered 500 business cards and shared my excited with all my friends on Facebook and everywhere I go. Now that I have a few minutes I wanted to share my love for Jamberry with my readers!
Jamberry just launched in Canada September 1st and only started in Ontario and BC. They have more provinces opening December 1st - Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan! I am sure there will be other places soon enough and if you are interested let me know and I will keep you updated.
These amazing nail wraps are non toxic, latex free and gluten free! They have over 300 designs (including a Jr line for girls under 8 or women with small nail beds), along with a monthly exclusive design called the Sister Style Exclusive!
There is no drying time or chipping, they are heat and pressure activated. They can last up to TWO weeks on your fingers and up to SIX weeks on your toes, isn't that awesome?
I have posted a couple of my manicures and can't wait to share more with you. I have been keeping really busy with vendor events, home parties, fundraisers and online parties since I started!
Pop on over to my website ( and check it out! Let me know if I can help you in anyway. Don't forget to take a peak at what is coming up on Black Friday and "Like" my Facebook page to see the up coming Cyber Monday deal!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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