Weeks 10 & 11 flew right by! The past couple weeks have been really weird weather wise which has kept Molly and I in more than getting our outside walks completed. Last week we had a lot of cold wind and our walks are on a trail beside the water. This is the best place to walk with Molly as she is less distracted with smells, garbage, other dogs & their business. Why can't people pick up after their dogs? The last two falls (since getting Molly) I have seen a huge increase in people not picking up after their dogs do their business in the fall/winter. Why? This is the worst time not to pick up as people don't see it until they have stepped in it. Or in my sons case last fall he jumped into a pile a leaves that had a pile of nasty stuff under it. That experience has scarred the boy for fall leaf jumping forever! He refused to have fun this past fall and it was really sad as I remember that was one of the fun fall activities my friends and I enjoyed when we were his age.
Anyways I totally got off topic. So the last couple weeks I have been struggling to keep on my walking routine for a few reasons but I am happy to say I am down 6lbs and my clothes are fitting much nicer! I have also increased/toned my legs and buttocks. YAY!
I am still trying to figure out when to squeeze in some cardio at least three times a week. I would be even happy with twice a week to begin with. I have been dragging this past week as I have a sinus/head cold trying to push its way on me.
Last weeks Kilometers
Nov 11th - treadmill walking for 30 minutes - 2.29km with incline intervals up to 8
November 12 I was outside for a 3.52km walk
Nov 12th I also did treadmill walking for 30 minutes - 2.58km with incline intervals up to 5
Nov 13th - treadmill walking for 22 minutes - 1.6km with no inclines as I was super tired but a walk is better than no walk right? I was also able to get out for 1.5km outside.
Total last week 12.32km I missed my goal of 15-20km.
This past week I didn't get on the treadmill and walked only outside. I am hoping to get a least 30 minutes later today on the treadmill.
Nov 18th 4.73km
Nov 21st 4.73km
Nov 22nd 5.73km
This week I made my goal just barely at 15.19km. Next week I will push to get moving at minimum 15km.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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