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Source: Microsoft clip art |
Oct 15th 6.98km & 1.80km
Oct 16th 4.59km
Oct 18th 4.85km
For a total of 18.22km
Last Friday I felt too tired to post and decided I would write my post early in the am after a goodnight sleep. Well just before 6am I got woken by a little girl getting sick to her stomach. This was the worst day every I was told by her after she was sick and asked if we are still going shopping. So finally the flu bug has hit our house. Little girl was down and out for the count on Saturday but bounced back nicely on Sunday, ready to party! I really wish I had that kind of energy sometimes.
Everyone seemed great Sunday and Monday. I went for my awesome walk and then headed into the city to fill in some forms for work and spend sometime with my mom shopping. I went into work that night feeling fine just a little tired as my evening sleep wasn't that great. But by Tuesday afternoon when I got up I felt like a Mack truck had hit me. I felt awful! I decided it was best to call in and stay home as I wasn't even sure I could drive the hour to work. I went to bed by 8pm that night and was sleeping really well until 3am when our son got up sick. Oh no. So my dear hubby got up with P and helped him get all cleaned up and back to bed. Wednesday I had to convince P that he needed to stay home so he wasn't sick anymore and didn't get anyone sick. Little girl got herself all ready for school no fight nothing. Funny how that worked out. My mom was a saint and called to see how I was and if I needed anything and offered to take Little girl to the bus. I fell back asleep and my mom stayed with P until I woke around noon! I really was hit hard with this bug. My mommy is wonderful! She cleaned up my kitchen and took the dog outside for me. She decided to leave me sleeping and watch a movie with P who was laying around either on the couch or floor still not feeling his best. Sometimes we still need our mommy.
The kids seem fine now and I am still trying to get over whatever it is that we have picked up. I felt much better this morning when I woke that I decided Miss Molly and I needed to get out and take a walk. I wasn't in the mood to push to hard but the goal was to get at least 4.5km even if it took an hour and a half. It is sure cold out there today and by the hour it took for our 4.82km I was frozen. Winter is on its way here in Canada. Pulling out all the winter gear this weekend for sure.
Here are my km for the week:
Oct 21st 4.72km in 46:08 mins! That is an average of 9:46mins/km.
Oct 25th 4.82km. Total of 9.54km this week.
Today's walk was much slower for a couple reasons - I am still getting better and my stomach still isn't 100% and we ran into another dog walker that we have befriended. This lady also has a basset/beagle mix and he is 6 months older than Miss Molly. They just love walking together.
Next week I am hoping to incorporate a workout video - Hip Hop Abs to get my abs into better shape.
How are you doing on your fitness journey? Have you been able to stay free of the cold & flu season so far?

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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