
September is for Series Book Blog Hop Giveaway!

This month I decided to join another book blog hop giveaway. This hop is showcase books in a series, each blog will be featuring a series and giving away a book in that series for their readers! There are 109 blogs participating in total! Lots of great books to be add to your To-Be-Read list I am sure of it!
Sunshine (330 pgs)  (release date: January 28, 2013)

Book Summary:18 year old Sophie Jean is pretty good at acting normal. Sure, she’s not exactly happy, but happiness is nothing compared to being like everyone else. She can pretend she’s not allergic to the sun. She can hide what her ex-boyfriend did to her. She can cover up the scars she’s made for herself. Ignore anything. Forget anything. Then Myles enters her life, and he has more than a few secrets of his own. When accident after accident keeps happening to Sophie, she can’t help noticing that he’s everywhere.
That he knows too much. That she’s remembering too much.

It’s one thing covering up her own dark past, but does she really need to worry about people finding out just how much Myles likes her? Or that despite how much she doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes, she kind of likes him back? Not to mention the fact that she now has to conceal that
Myles drinks blood-that he says he’s about four hundred years old.

She almost forgot about that part. But Sophie has no plans to ruin the normal life she has created for herself. She can deal with this little glitch, no problem. Even if word has gotten around to the wrong vampire about Sophie and Myles, even if she’s putting the few people she loves at risk. Suddenly, those who were monsters before are just people, and the monsters? They’re real. Now being a normal human being is the least of her problems. Now she has to stay alive.

Purchase on Amazon or Smashwords

Sun Poisoned - (229pgs) (release date: June 28, 2013)
Book Summary: Sophie’s life has changed. She’s moved to New York, she’s playing music for new people, and she’s making new friends. Then there’s Myles, and the fact that he is now her boyfriend—and everyone knows it. There are a lot of new things to take in, but Sophie has no problem adjusting. 

She’s not exactly normal, living in a half-human, half-vampire world, but she’s finally, truly happy. But some parts of Sophie and Myles’ old life still hide in the dark, waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

Sophie’s having nightmares again, but they aren’t about her; Myles is hiding something that she’s not sure she wants to know.  And one lie will change everything.

No matter how hard she tries to cover up the marks her monsters have left behind, they never truly go away, and Myles’ monsters are no different. Once again, Sophie’s caught between life and death, but this time, only she can save herself.

Purchase on Amazon or Smashwords 

About the Author:

Nikki Rae is a student and writer who lives in New Jersey. She is an independent author and has appeared numerously on Amazon Best Seller lists. She is the author of The Sunshine Series and concentrates on making her imaginary characters as real as possible. She writes mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.

Follow Nikki Rae on Goodreads, Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Author page

Enter to win the second book Sunshine & Sun Poisoned e-books by Nikki Rae and a $10 Amazon Gift Card!  Please fill in the form below. This giveaway is open Worldwide from September 2-9th,2013
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check out all the great book giveaways at the following blogs!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. The above giveaway is sponsored by the author of the book. All opinions are honest and my own.*~


  1. oh I think I would have to say vampires , you can make them evil or nice or sexy so many cool ways you can depict a vampire

  2. Shapeshifters are my favorite!

  3. I think my favorite has to be vampires

  4. Shape shifters are my favorite.

  5. Shifters are my new favorite paranormal characters! I used to be all about vamps, but lately shifters are on my radar.

  6. Vampires, you just can't deny the sex appeal.

  7. The underworld was a good one.

  8. This is a tough choice...I can't get enough of zombies but some of the best books I've read have had fae in them. I think it's a tie.

  9. I love books with vampires or angels

    Great giveaway!!! :D

  10. I love them all! It is really hard to pick just one and I really don't want to offend anyone. But I guess right now it will be shapeshifters, it'll be different in a little while. evamillien at gmail dot com

  11. I love Demons

    Thanks for the giveaway

  12. Shapeshifters...but if there is a vampire or fairies who can change shape as well then either of those would work too.

  13. I'm a Vamp fan.. and Were's. Thanks for the hop fun.

  14. I think I'd chose vampires :)

  15. I like reading about vampires :)

  16. Love Vamps.. and some bad yes good demons. ;)

  17. I have to go with necromancers. ;)

  18. Gargoyles. They're sadly underrepresented.

  19. Vampires-The dangerous, killing, evil kind :)

  20. I like mostly vamps and then shapeshifters

  21. Vampires and witches are my fav because they're the most human.

  22. witches, vampires, werewolf's, fairies, demons, and angels! Team
    Supernatural ^_^

  23. Definitely vampires!

  24. Shapeshifters, especially those who are really close to their animals.

  25. I tend to like vampires, though I like pretty much any paranormal creature as long as it's well-written.


  26. Love all of them... don't have a particular favourite! Thanks for the giveaway =)

  27. Thanks so much for participating in my first giveaway hop!

  28. I would say vampires :)

  29. Love shape shifters.

  30. vampires and angels or half-angels

  31. I love vampires! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  32. Normally I'd have to say it's vampires but shapeshifters start to look pretty good too so I'm conflicted.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  33. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I like angels and unusual shapeshifters.


  34. I'm a fan of angel/demon series!

  35. Vampires are my favorite. Thanks.

  36. I have no favorites. I do not like Zombies though or evil demons.

  37. Vampires are my favorite paranoral characters.

  38. Anonymous4:28 PM


  39. I love zombies, I cannot get enough of them!

  40. I truly love them all but I guess I tend to like vampires and zombies best! Thanks!

  41. Vampires!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  42. I enjoy vampires. Thanks!

  43. I guess I've been interested in vampires ever since I watched "Dark Shadows" as a little girl. Blame it on Barnabas Collins.....

  44. The type doesn't really matter as much as the execution--I just like the paranormal creatures to be well thought out and have intricate world building to back them up :)

  45. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I like shifters the best. But enjoy most paranormal creatures.

    -Miranda P

  46. I love shapeshifters (wolf) the best.

  47. Love vampires yum yum

  48. I love Fae and Shadowhunters!

  49. I do love vamps, but my favorite paranormal creature - cat shifters!

  50. I like shapeshifters the best.


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