
You can now find milk on the shelf.

Within the last year or so I remember hearing about shelf safe milk. I remember thinking how can milk be safe left on a shelf and had this conversation with my husband. We went online to see what we could find out about this. One thing we noticed right away was that shelf safe milk has been around since the 1960's but Canada has been a late adopter in UHT milk. Shelf safe is made with Ultra High Temperature. This infograph explains the difference...

Traveling to the USA with Roam Mobility

Are you traveling from Canada to the USA? As I geared up for BlogHer '13 I was super paranoid about going with my cell phone and coming home with a HUGE cell bill. I couldn't attend a Social Media conference without a cell phone though but at the same time I didn't know what to do. I know my cell carrier offers plans but I have heard many of horror stories from my fellow Canadian bloggers heading over the border and coming home to a $1000 + cell...

Breaking Josephine by Marie Stewart - Book Review

At 22, Josephine Sinclair thought she’d finally closed the door on her past and was moving on with her life. With a stable job as a waitress, a small apartment in town, and scenic Cannon Beach a two-mile jog to the west, she was getting by. In a mansion on the beach, Dex Hartley felt just the opposite. After years of living the fast life in New York and L.A., he’d come home to bury himself in the ghosts of his past and his grief. When...

Cuspian Book Tour & Giveaway! (US only)

Cuspian by DC Hall Twins, Kendal and Kennedi Myles are the envy of their peers with: a second string spot on the varsity football team, smartass but loyal teammates, miniature pores, and a killer spray tan. They had big plans for sophomore year, until their mother is slaughtered during a botched robbery. Forced to move with their estranged father, Kendal becomes fixated with finding their mother’s killer, while Kennedi tries to settle into...

Blasting the Heat away with Nerf!

This summer the heat has been HOT! How do you and your children keep cool? We have been swimming and breaking out the Nerf fun! What better way to stay cool then soaking each other with water? I really wish I was able to get some great action shot but I was in the line of fire each time we brought out these amazing new Nerf soakers. My son of course loved the feature on the Nerf super soaker switch shot! You have the option of changing up your...

Defending Wellton by Kelli Kretzschmar ~ Book Review

Synopsis Wellton, Arizona. Population 2,864… and falling. Something - or someone - is killing the kids in town, and the Wellton Police Department is called in to investigate the untimely deaths. Officer Trent Buckley has lived in Wellton since the day he was born, and he’s been trying to get out of the small, dead-end town ever since. Just when he has a shot at a transfer to Tucson, a disturbing case lands in his lap, one that has him working...

Climb That Fence & Take That Leap Book Review & $25 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

  Climb That Fence & Take That Leap by Philip Johnsey Ever wonder if there is more to your pet's behavior than meets the eye? Can we learn something about ourselves by watching them? Climb that Fence take that Leap is a compilation of personal, inspirational animal stories and the life lessons we can glean from them. After enjoying these stories, you'll spend a little extra time with your friend and know what it takes to Climb...

Daughter of Jerusalem by Joan Wolf - Book Review

Book Summary:  In Daughter of Jerusalem, readers will quickly identify with Mary Magdalene, a woman of deep faith who used her wealth and influence to serve Jesus. This fictionalized story of Mary Magdalene is, in the truest sense of the word, an inspirational novel for modern people who are looking to renew in themselves the message of Christ. It's the greatest story ever lived, told by one of the most famous women who...

Animal Hats by Vanessa Mooncie ~ Knitting Book Review

Book Description: Gather knitting know-how for making animal hats of all shapes and sizes. The book features detailed knitting patterns, schematics, and basic animal hat-making techniques--plus how-to instruction for adding a fleecy hat-lining for extra coziness. There are patterns for every animal-lover. Animals included are cat, dog, chicken, rabbit, pig, frog, penguin, cow, elephant, fox, koala, monkey, panda, lion, and mouse. Patterns...

Precious Embrace Book Review & Giveaway

Book Summary: A second divorce and a new baby wasn’t the vision Alison Hayes had for her future. Now a single mother with two young boys, she wants to focus on her kids and what’s left of her stagnant career. When Detective Johnny Rhay Bennett breezes into her life with his country-boy accent, she wants to run. She doesn’t need another man in her life, or another reason to make people talk. But when her worst nightmare becomes a reality,...

Within The Realm Book Blast & Giveaway!

The Gifted walk among us. They are unseen, but in plain sight. The Earth’s energies are as visible to them as the tangible world is to us and they can harness and bend these forces to their will. Atop the Pentagon resides the government of the Gifted Realm. Rainer Lawson is set to join the ranks of Elite Officers in the Gifted Police force. With his fellow officers, they will work together, using their abilities, to try and...

First Rescue Dog For the Kids

As you can likely tell in our house we love 4 legged furbabies. Last week was a busy week with P in a sports camp. As we were coming home from picking up P from camp we stopped at one of the busiest intersections in our town. When we were waiting for the light to turn green I noticed this little dog jumping up and down on the side walk near one of the vehicles in front of us. I looked around and didn't see a owner anywhere behind us and wondered...

What Can You Do with Unwanted CD's, DVD's & Video Games?

Most of us find ourselves with extra "stuff" laying around the house or maybe you are like myself and box and bag everything and stack it in the basement or in a closet or corner of a room. What to do with all this unwanted "stuff"? Donate, throw out or how about make some quick cash? I see tons of people turning to the internet to get rid of their old items and make some extra cash, and why not? You likely spent tons of money on obtaining...

Do You Love to Read & Write?

If so, I am looking for you! I am looking to bring on some new faces to Genuine Jenn. I am looking for two-four people to help contribute to Genuine Jenn. If you are a lover of books there is room for you. Do you like to travel and want to share your experiences? Do you craft and want to showcase your work and/or write tutorials of DIY projects? Are you a foodie who wants to share yummy recipes? This is for serious people only. If you are interested...

Thirty-Two Going On Spinster Book Tour & $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!

Thirty- Two Going On Spinster by Becky Monson "According to Webster’s dictionary, A spinster is: 1: an unmarried woman of gentle family 2: an unmarried woman and especially one past the common age for marrying 3: a woman who seems unlikely to marry 4: me Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.With the arrival of Jared...

Excerpt from Crushing by Elena Dillon

Crushing As a pampered and adored daughter of a wealthy Southern family Rory’s life was seemingly perfect until her troubled childhood crush moves back in across the street forcing her to choose between him and the life that has been chosen for her. As if that isn’t enough, her quiet island town has turned dangerous. A good friend has gone missing, lending truth to the rumors of a serial kidnapper. In her quest to help she becomes...

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