Today we have a guest post by Peter Able is a freelance content writer from
Toronto. He specialized in art, travel and entertainment. His passions
in life include, art, photography and mango sorbet.
Granville Island
It is only most fitting that Canada Day is spent at an infamous Canadian landmark. Granville Island is just this, boasting a plethora of theatres, restaurants, shops and of course, the Granville Island Public Market.
It is practically the complete family day trip destination. On Canada Day, the Island celebrates by
putting on nothing short of a show. As a frequent visitor of the Granville Parade in my childhood, Canadian pancake breakfasts (I greedily always ordered two, only to struggle to finish one), performers and live music were enjoyed by the whole family during the Granville Island Canada Day parade.
Kingston’s Rideau Lakes Studio and Garden Tour
There are many reasons that make spending Canada Day 2013 in Ontario’s Kingston the ideal
choice. Firstly, let us speak on the Rideau Lakes Studio and Garden Tour that will take place there
this Canada Day. Featuring hand woven and quilted items, pottery, woodworking, decorative stone
work, decorative painting, watercolour paintings and oil and acrylic, this workshop tour is both great
fun and a fantastic place to leave with a gorgeous piece of pottery for your home.
As it is open from 10am to 5pm, you can afterwards hop along to a drum circle at Ben’s Pub at 105
Clergy Street, which will take every Sunday from Canada Day until October 15
Kingston hotels can be found online for those looking to spend their Canada Day weekend there.
An Exclusive Family Occasion
Here’s a secret: some of the most memorable family days, are those spent exclusively amongst the
family. A barbeque in the garden, the television on in the front room and one’s family occupying the
whole house; a good few of my past Canada Day experiences involved such simple but cozy affairs.
However you and your family like to have fun, celebrating Canada Day indoors can be the best way
to do it.
Canada Wonderland
Ok, nothing spells out family activities more than theme parks. Furthermore, nothing spells out family fun more than fireworks. Put the two together and you get one of those childhood experiences that stick in your head through old age.
At around 10pm every Canada Day, Canada Wonderland puts on a spectacular fireworks display
(unless the weather doesn’t permit it).
Toronto Ribfest
Who here eats meat and doesn’t like ribs? Food is the way to everyone’s heart and no special day
would be complete without a special meal.
Toronto Ribfest, hosted by the Rotary Club of Etobicoke is a massive festival in Centennial Park, with
an array of different foods and of course, ribs! From rides and live music, to carnival games and
fireworks, Ribfest is one of the key places to be on Canada Day. The best bit about it (other than the
ribs) is that is runs for an extended weekend!

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