I wanted to apologize to my Canadian readers if you went out to Walmart after I posted about the Walmart release on January 28th, 2013. I found out just recently that the Canadian release will be April 16th, 2013. Sorry for any inconvenience.
This DVD includes five party episodes from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series which is currently airing on The Hub TV network.
Episodes included in this DVD:
Feeling Pinkie Keen
Party for One
Baby Cakes
A Friend in Deed
Too Many Pinkie Pies
There is also a bonus Sing-along that my daughter loves and can pretty much sing every word from memory! Also there is a Party Activity Kit which you can open on your computer and print off. "A" likes to play with her ponies or sit on the couch with them all when watching the dvd and loves all the songs. I think she has memorized most of the episodes. When I asked A what her favorite part of the dvd was, guess what she said? "All of it of course mommy". Then preceded to tell me all about the episodes and played the song for both of us to sing.
My daughter was so excited to see what arrived in the mail when she got home from school. She didn't even have time for our daily "how was your day?" conversation. She run right to the living room and popped in the DVD. Which was on repeat I think for the next 3 days straight.
Here is a quick clip from the movie!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. I received the above dvd for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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