As a blogger we are indeed writer's even if we don't think we are. I for one have felt this way for a while now. I keep telling myself "I'm not a writer, never was, never will be". This is the year I will change my thinking and think of my self as a writer, a writer of my blog Genuine Jenn.
I recently shared some of my tips to stay organized and keeping my creative juices flowing as a blogger with a fellow blogger and decided I would post about it for others to read also. I will split these into two posts. Watch for a post on tips to stay organized when blogging coming soon.
5 Tips on getting your creative juices flowing:
Go for a long walk - grab your dog or just your iPod and go for a nice long walk. I find if I go on a nature walk this is a great way to clear my head.
Grab your camera and start snapping - charge up your camera or cell phone and take a walk. This walk could be around your house, or out in nature or just through your town or city. Take photos of anything and everything. When you get home load them up and see what comes to mind. Start writing about what these photos are of or mean to you.
Take some "Me" time - take a nice long warm bath, snuggle up and read a book, go grab a coffee with a friend. These things are great for clearing your mind and once you have a clear mind it is so much easier to write.
Disconnect - I know this one is a hard one for most people these days. I used to find this so hard to do. I have come to learn to take time off from social media sites, email and even my blog. I find taking some time off even a few hours each night or time off during the day keeps me more focused when I go back online and it clears my mind.
Writing Prompts - I have also found writing prompts to be a good way to get my brain thinking again. There are many different sites and blogs that offer tips/prompts. There are also blog sites that offer daily writing prompts like Blog Dare @ Bloggy Moms.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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