Each January tons of people start talking about what their New Year's resolutions will be for the year and of course each year I try to make resolutions. Do we stick to them? I am sure we have all done this before - make a resolution only to break it within the first couple months.
Last year I decided not to call mine resolutions but instead address them as goals. I found this was a lot easier on me as I didn't feel regret if I didn't make the goal. This year I am thinking the same way and have a list of things I would like to reach throughout 2013.
This year I also thought I would look up a few things about New Years Resolutions before telling you my goals.
From Wikipedia - "A New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New Year's resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year. This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous."
Also did you know? - "A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol involving 3,000 people showed that 88% of those who set New Year resolutions fail, despite the fact that 52% of the study's participants were confident of success at the beginning. Men achieved their goal 22% more often when they engaged in goal setting, (a system where small measurable goals are being set; such as, a pound a week, instead of saying "lose weight"), while women succeeded 10% more when they made their goals public and got support from their friends."
Now on to my 2013 goals!
Blog related:
- I would like to attend two blogging conferences, BlogHer '13 and Blissdom Canada '13.
- I would love to take a creative writing course either online or in class.
- Further my photography skills and work on my goal of upgrading my camera to a Canon Rebel.
- Further my culinary skills and write more food posts.
- Read more - reading goals to follow in a separate post in the very near future.
- Become more organized and purge everything and anything we do not use or need.
- Move to a bigger home with a bigger yard for our kids and pup (maybe we will add a rescue dog in there also).
- Spend more family time together.
- Walk more often - I would like to walk 15km straight by the fall. Molly loves walking and so do I. We just need to find the time to get out on longer walks.
- More date nights with the hubby.
- Bake more with A.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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