I guess this really isn't a Wordless Wednesday unless you stop here. If you want to hear more about the kids first day back-to-school please keep reading.
The morning got off to a great start expect for Miss Molly in a barking mood. Didn't matter what I did she just wanted attention or would bark.
P was up at 6:50 and I dragged myself out of bed (I was up for 26 hrs before going to bed Monday night). We did a quick haircut as he changed his mind and did want his hair cut before the first day back to school. He chose to have some spikes and gasp! didn't want to wear his hat! If you know my son this is a HUGE deal as for some reason the minute he walks out the door needs to have his baseball cap on unless he was heading to soccer.
A got up just after 7am and we trimmed her bangs and did her hair up in a french braid with some glitter spray. She wanted to be a princess and I think we accomplished it as I heard parents commenting on how pretty she was.
I found A's teacher and the teacher for two of her friends just starting JK and then headed to find P. He looked totally lost among the crowd and we finally found his french teacher. A was about to breakdown when I went back to her to see how she was but she pulled it together like a big girl and headed into the school.
I had a nice day but it seemed to fly right by! I made back-to-school cupcakes to celebrate and also just incase one of them had a bad day.
The kids had a wonderful first day back-to-school and P was all set to go back again for his next day!
Hope everyone had a wonderful start to the new school year!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
Sounds like your little ones had a nice back to school day! YAY!