We kicked off the blog tour for Mind Over Matter by S.J. Clarke on September 19th, 2012 with a great giveaway that can be found on my promo post, Mind Over Matter.
Here is the blurb from Mind Over Matter -
"Rebecca McKenney grieved the loss of her daughter for three years. Now, a vision showing Sabrina three years older, suggests her baby is still alive, and the FBI agent who gave up the search is the only one who can help find her. Special Agent Dan Cooper is haunted by a tragic mistake made early in the investigation of Sabrina's disappearance. Now to ease his conscience he agrees to help Rebecca search. Together they fight inner demons, all to real bad guys, and an attraction neither wants to admit to. Each step closer to finding Sabrina is a step deeper into deception and evil. Can Rebecca and Dan save Sabrina before it's too late?"
Don't forget to Follow the Author Website, Facebook, Mind Over Matter Facebook Page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Goodreads
You can Purchase Mind Over Matter at any of the following: MuseItUp Publishing, Amazon.ca Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk Chapters.ca
My thoughts of Mind Over Mater: I will be honest and tell you I had a hard time at the beginning. I know people have nicknames for their kids but I didn't like how the author would change back and forth between Sabrina & Bree when talking about Rebecca's daughter. Other than that the book was really easy to follow along and got really interesting about half way through. It took an unexpected turn when the author sheds some light on who is responsible for the kidnapping of Sabrina.
I really don't want to give away the ending so if you don't want to know stop reading the review and skip to the last couple sentences to follow the tour and enter the giveaway.
The books twist with a cult was very interesting, not your typical kidnapping. It really keep you hanging on to find out who each of the members of the cult was. They were only referred to by numbers until closer to the end. The author also touched on visions throughout the book as Rebecca would get a vision here or there which helped them in finding her daughter and a couple more missing children. Her daughter learned how to send the visions to her mother after she was kidnapped. I love the ending and how the author included the daughter in the marriage proposal. It was a cute idea and nice idea showing how a man is marrying not only the mom but the daughter. Overall a 3 1/2 out of 5. I give it that as it took sometime to get me hooked.
Don't forget to stop over at Saving for 6 for her thoughts on the book and don't forget the rest of the tour and enter the giveaway on the promo post.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn on behalf of Promotional Book Tours. I received the above mentioned book for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
Thanks so much for featuring Mind Over Matter on your blog today.