Time to get back to regular routines now that summer is over. One routine that I need to get back to fast is menu planning. I find without it I am lost and wondering what's for dinner, also getting overwhelmed with the same old same old food. With our menu plans I find we are more likely to try something different and I can get dinner on the table with less hassle and stress. Also with menu planning as the flyers come out you can also save some money on your grocery bills.
Sunday - Sausages, curly fries & Salad
Monday - Homemade Waffles with fruit & yogurt
Tuesday - Fish, rice with side salad
Wednesday - Vegetable Pasta and Sausage Toss
Thursday - BBQ Porkchops with
Friday - Jump Across the River Rocks (Dora & Diego Cookbook pg 66)
Saturday - Attending a wedding - no cooking for me!
That is it for this week. Simple meals but less stress when I have them all planned and shopped for. What is on your menu?

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Genuine Jenn. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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