A few weeks ago I spotted a very pretty but very big Robin in our front yard, or at least I thought it was a few weeks ago. She was just hanging out in our front tree when I spotted her. I was telling my husband about her the other day saying I wonder if she had her babies near our house as it had been awhile since I saw her last.
Guess what?
The other day my son and I found one of her babies in our front yard. He/she was trying to fly but can't quite get up high enough to get back in the tree where the nest is. We are thinking he/she must have tried to fly or fell out of the nest. We looked for the nest and found it in the tree out front, up pretty high.
It sounds like there may be another baby in it. Mommy Robin was flying around bringing food to the babies. We were outside with our puppy and our cat had already been outside. Our pup saw the bird who was on the ground and didn't run after it but our cat decided to get a bit closer until my son stepped in and took the cat inside. P saved the day.I was able to get a couple photos of the bird in the tree but missed a great shot of mommy robin feeding her baby when he/she was on the ground. I was outside with the dog and couldn't get to my camera right away but sent P in to get it.
I will be keeping an eye out for the family and see if I can get a few more photos. P loved just hanging out in the yard watching and waiting for mommy robin to come back to her babies.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~