Just over a week ago I traveled to Washington,DC for a food blog conference called Eat, Write, Retreat. This conference did more than give me tons of great information, networking with great food bloggers, writers and brands but gave me more independence and confidence.
I had never been on a plane before and very rarely would I travel alone. I have never went to a different place that I have never been to before by myself. I was a nervous wreck leading up to the flight. I don't really even know what I was so afraid of besides the unknown.
When I got onto the plane I was seated beside this very nice gentleman. I told him that it was my first time flying and I am very sorry if I freak out when taking off. He asked me this question "What are you afraid of?" When I told him it was my ears popping, the turbulence, the landing, really the unknown. He eased my mind with tons of reassurance and his soft nature. We took off and I was fine, we landed and I was fine. The only thing that happened was my ears felt full and I couldn't hear that well. Also I felt very light headed when I went to walk off the plane. I guess this feeling is normal.
This gentleman was also heading to the same hotel and we traveled the metro together. It was easy to find and I was a lot less nervous. I want to thank this guy for all his help. There really are some nice people still out there.
I did some tour a bit before heading to my conference Friday after arriving. I saw the White House, I think I saw the President - there were lots of police and black vehicles leaving the White House and they had us stop until they were gone. I walked around the museums, there are so many and what was really neat was that they are free to tour.
I would love to take another trip to Washington DC maybe next year with the whole family.
Want to see more about my trip? Head over to Marvelous Mommy Meals!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. All opinions are honest and my own.*~