For as long as I can remember we have always have had pets from kittens and puppies to rabbits and hamsters. We were always very lucky that most of our pets lived long healthy lives into their elder years. Caring for our pets and giving them the right food during each stage of their life is very important for optimal health.
As our pets age their needs change, they are more susceptible to loss of lean body tissue, a weakened immune system, along with reduced metabolic rate and increased dental concerns. We once had a beautiful cat that I rescued from the local humane society were they didn't know her age they guessed about 7+ as her teeth were so bad but they also weren't sure if this was also from malnutrition. This could have been prevented with the right food and healthcare. This little princess spent 3 years with us and was loved every minute.
The new Iams Senior Plus pet is designed to promote a healthy life for dogs and cats that reach the senior plus stage in life, 11+ small to medium breeds and 9+ for large breeds. These great formulas help with common senior health issues including:
- Maintaining muscle mass
- Promoting ideal weight & body condition with a special formula that helps burn fat
- Boosting immune health to healthy adult levels with two times the antioxidants
- Maintaining healthy skin & coat health with Omega 6
- For dogs, helping to reduce tartar build up by up to 55% with HMP (hexamtaphosphate)
Once on Facebook click on "Iams Canada" under Timeline I believe and create a pet profile. If you don't have a Senior pet you can simply vote for your favorite pet on the site.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Iams. We received free product in exchange for this article, all opinions are honest and my own and were not influenced.*~