Yesterday was an interesting day for conversations with my son. The first one was when we were out at the store picking up a few things before Easter.
Here's the backdrop; walking around the store and people have filled carts with chocolate and Easter things.
Mom: Okay I think we have what we need, let's get going. (A few Easter treats and some groceries)
Son: (seeing all the over filled carts with chocolate) Why do they have so much chocolate? Chocolate isn't healthy for you, do they know that?
Mom: (now how do I answer this? Hmm) That's right P chocolate isn't good for you in large sizes....... Let's go.....
Hmm at least he is health conscious.
Mom: Do I need to have a chat with the Easter Bunny?
Son: You don't know his phone number!
Mom: No but I can Tweet him!
Son: No!!! Not fair!
HAHAHA Love it! I got him good that is for sure!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom, this is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~