Happy March 1st! In like a Lion and out like a Lamb. I wonder if this old saying will stand true this year. Today I awoke to the buses being cancelled and lots of snow outside.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I am ready for spring! Why more snow? I know I live in Canada and we get snow sometimes in April but come on! I am quite happy with having no more snow this winter.
Seems like my kids have been getting all the snow days also. They only go to school alternate days and alternate Fridays. Each time they have had snow days I have been working and I don't get home until 10am. My son has a hard time with not going to school. He gets pretty upset when the buses are cancelled and didn't understand why I couldn't drive him those other days. I made him a promise that if I was home the morning the buses are cancelled I would drive them. Well I had to keep with that promise right?
What are you doing today if you were fortunate or unfortunate for a snow day? There are lots of In like a Lion out like a Lamb type crafts when I went on Google this morning before the kids said they wanted to go to school.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~