Today I would love to give a Huge Thank you to KidZoomer for sponsoring not one but two conferences last fall for myself and Alyssa from A Motherhood Experience - ShesConnected and Blissdom Canada. The helped us great to these wonderful conferences in exchange for us helping with Social Media for them.
It has been a great pleasure working with you KidZoomer and we hope for all the best for you in the future!
If you have been following Canadian Coupon Mom on Facebook or Twitter since last fall you would have seen some amazing deals KidZoomer has offered. If you haven't had a chance to check them out visit or "Like" them on Facebook or follow @KidZoomer on Twitter.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom to say Thank you to our 2011 fall conference sponsor KidZoomer. All opinions are honest and my own*~