This week I am going with Truth again. I know I haven't done a dare yet but I just wasn't sure of a Talent to blog about. Maybe next week you never know maybe I will be brave enough for Dare....
The truth for this week is - Tell us what you really want for Valentine's Day. A date with your husband? Jewels? Chocolate? Time just for you?
I would love a really nice romantic evening at home with hubby, kids at a sitters (sorry A & P). Nice meal together that maybe we made together, nice glass of wine and an nice early to bed.
Nothing fancy just some nice quality time together just hubby and I. Nice and quiet........
We wont get that this year as I am working tonight and worked overnight last night and other family things that can not be changed but oh well another day. Love should be showed daily not just on Valentine's Day and I did get us a really good deal at a hotel that needs to be used before the end of June.
Want to join along with Truth or Dare Tuesday's? Head over to Whispered Inspirations and find out how to play.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom in part of the Truth or Dare blog hop. All opinions are honest and my own.*~