We do our groceries usually once a week, Saturdays or Sundays. This weekend we decided we would be going Saturday as Sunday we have a few other plans (will be guest posting about this soon!). It is just the kids and myself as hubby is working this weekend.
We headed out to Food Basics first to pick up a few things, then headed over to Walmart Canada to pick up our Equal and a few other things that were on sale and we had coupons for. We love to save when we can!
We found this giant yellow canister of Equal in the Pharmacy section. This canister is great for baking with its wide opening and it measures cup for cup instead of using sugar. Makes it simple to take our favorite recipes and make them sugar free or very close to it!
It is suppose to be on Rollback from what I have heard but it doesn't have the little tag for the Rollback which is fine with me as maybe this means it will be regular $7.97 instead of $9.97.
The Chocolate Chip Fudgie Cups were very easy to make. They do require two things to be mixed but I didn't find it hard to make at all and really not that time consuming. We made it right before dinner, my daughter and I. I have posted the full recipe with pictures on Marvelous Mommy Meals. We will make these again for sure as everyone found them very tasty. I will also be using Equal for more recipes in the future.
Want to see our full shop and bake in progress? Head over to Google + where you can see more pictures.
For more information on Equal and even more recipes visit their website. Also join in the conversations with Equal Canada on Facebook or Twitter and don't forget hashtag #EqualCanada

~*Disclaimer: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are honest and my own.*~