Week 2 started off pretty good. I got on the Wii on Sunday and did a 30 minute workout on Jenny McCarthy's Your Shape. My right hip is hurting but I think it is from the fall last Thursday. She actually has a mom workout and I did 15 minutes of it and 15 minutes of tummy targeted exercise.
On Tuesday afternoon we spent an hour or so sledding and I got right in there with the kids going down the hill and hiking back up. Now mind you it isn't a big hill but it was great workout none the less.
I have been eating more veggies and fruit and trying to portion control, still finding it hard on days I work overnights. I am also still having horrible pain in my right hip and leg. I have a dr's appointment and will bring this up with him to take a look. I am leery of doing more damage working out so I have been walking and doing yoga instead.
I will add my measurements soon, I took them just can't find the piece of paper I wrote them down on.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom as part of the Fit & Firm Friday blog hop. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~