Everyone is looking for some way or another to make a bit more cash. Either by selling used items online, home based businesses to stuffing envelopes (does this one actually pay well?). If you own a iPhone and go shopping why not make a few extra dollars while you are in the store. It is easy as taking a couple pictures and answer a couple questions about specific inventory. Wouldn't that be a great way to get a bit more pocket money?
Field Agent is a fairly new app in Canada that will do just that, launched in October 2011. This is a consumer type survey but with a modern day twist. Think Charlies Angels meet James bond, sneaking around with your iPhone. Okay okay maybe not but I had fun on my recent mission. It is very easy to do, download the app, set up an account then check in daily to see available jobs in your area and accept the mission. You will have a 2 hour window to complete the task.
I love how interactive Field Agent is with their agents. I got an email one night looking for agents in a few different areas (really small towns), one being a town I drive through to get to and from work. I emailed Jeff from Field Agent to let him know I could go to the store in the morning and he emailed me back right away. Such a friendly guy and makes you feel like you are part of a great team.
I went on my mission which had me looking in the frozen seafood area for a specific brand (they gave me a photo of what to look for along with the UPC code to make sure it was the right product), I was to take a photo and count how many they had on the shelf. The task had me look for 2 different products in the frozen seafood area. It was pretty simple once I figured out the store as I don't know this store that well. I also saw a great sale on toilet paper. In the end I got my toilet paper free because I earned $6 for this mission and my purchase was $5.97. Score!
Right now Field Agent has 8400 agents that have downloaded the app and making money while shopping. They have a goal of 10000 agents, the more agents the more missions that will be available. Right now they are looking for tons of agents in the smaller areas in Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia but everyone is welcome to join free of charge.
Field Agents can take on jobs in their area or in another area they live near or are visiting. Payment is easy and at anytime you can transfer your funds to your PayPal account. Each job pay is determined based on level of difficulty and time. The pay ranges from $3-$8.
Here is a quick video about Field Agent:
Follow Field Agent on Twitter @FieldAgentCA and also on Facebook. Visit Field Agent to download the app to get started, it is very easy and you will reap great rewards being part of a great group if agents.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Field Agent. This is a sponsored post but all opinions are honest and my own.*~