I have joined another weekly post called Truth or Dare and is hosted by Patty from Positively Pampered Patty, Nancy from Whispered Inspirations and Kat from Kat's Confessions
These ladies have a lot of fun up their sleeves from the looks of it, with Truth or Dare Tuesday and #FitNFirm Fridays. Head over to anyone of the 3 blogs above or all of them to find out how you can join in on Truth or Dare Tuesdays!
This week is:
Truth - Tell us 3 things about yourself that isn't common knowledge about yourself.
Dare - Do a vlog post telling us a little about yourself.
So this week I have chosen Truth. I really should have went with dare as that would be a bigger challenge for myself as I don't really like to be in front of the camera but here is my truth.
- I am a shy person and don't like to be center of attention.
- I had my labret pierced just took it out about 4 years ago.
- I like my grilled cheese with onions on it.
Looking forward to next week! Please leave me a comment below.
Next week February 7th,2012:
I secretly want to...
Do something you normally wouldn't do and write about it.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom as part of the Truth or Dare Tuesday bloghop. All opinions are honest and my own.*~