Each year everyone talks about their New Years resolutions. As I get older and realize most times we don't keep our resolutions be it that they are too hard to achieve or unrealistic. Sometimes it is also that they are something that we just lose interest in.. Instead this year I want to make a few goals that I will be working towards either way.
I want to find balance and peace within family and work life. I would like to stress less. This has been an on going battle for myself as I am usually a person who will worry right away. The past couple years I have had problems with my health as I stress out over mostly work. One thing I can say about this is that I have learned to recognize when I am stressed and work towards changing it.
This year I will be less stressed, working towards peace in my life. I have already taken a step to less stress in the work place but I will be working on figuring out where I want to be for work.
As I am working towards less stress in my life I want to also work towards being healthy. I need to
We have one big goal this year that is a must. We must move to a bigger house. I will also start to rid all the extra things I have kept through the years and remind myself I don't need to keep them incase (mostly baby/kids stuff).
That's it, pretty simple right? Something I can achieve if I put my mind to it. What are your New Years Goals/Resolutions?

~*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. All opinions are honest and my own.*~