We usually do our grocery shopping on the weekends and every second weekend now that I have been working overnights hubby does the groceries with the kids.
This past weekend was a little different and I went out after work looking for Equal sweetener in a big yellow canister after work. It is a HUGE canister and is on rollback as it is new to Canada. The regular price is $9.97 and it is on rollback for $7.97! I love a great deal, who doesn't right?!
I headed to Walmart in my town and went to the baking area to pick up my canister but there was No Equal. I looked around but didn't see a staff handy and the cash area was busy. I headed home with no sweetener. I went back to Walmart Canada yesterday to check again as I didn't look in one place, the pharmacy!
There it was all this time right in the pharmacy area. I went into Walmart Canada so early yesterday morning that the pharmacy wasn't even open yet and the store was so quiet! I am thinking I may hit the stores after getting the kids on the bus more often.
I was very surprised not to see a rollback on the canister as it is suppose to be regular $9.97. I always love seeing the rollback or clearance tags as I love a good deal. I love that Walmart price matches! This saves time and money if you want only one or two things at another store that you can get when you are at Walmart.
After getting my Equal I did a quick tour to see what else I could find. I picked up a couple gifts for hubby's birthday which is next week, dryer sheets, winter boots for P for next winter (on sale for $9!), pair of pants for A ($4) and a workout game for the Wii for me, trying to work on the other New Years goal.
Stay tuned for a recipe using Equal sweetener.

~*Disclaimer: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are honest and my own.*~