During the last year I have been working on teaching my children about bullies and that they do not need to let people be mean to them, they can speak up about what is going on by talking to mommy or daddy, the teacher or an adult where they are. I feel like we started this a bit early but my son had a taste of a kid being very mean to him last year in Jr Kindergarten.
Since then I have been looking for fun ways to teach the kids about some serious topics including Bullying. Recently we had the chance to review Howard B Wigglebottom Learns About Bullies by Howard Binkow.
I would recommend this book for young school aged children or even as a book to read just before your children start school.
Want to learn more about Howard B Wigglebottom? Spend sometime on We Do Listen Foundation website with your children. They can listen to animated books, songs, play games and print out color pages. There are also lessons for parents to work with their children on for each book.
Follow Howard on Twitter @Hbwigglebottom or like the Facebook page.
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~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Howard Binkow. We received a complinmentatry copy of this book for review purpose. The giveaway is open to US & Canadian residents. It will end on January 26th, 2012 at 12:01am. All opinions are honest and my own.*~