This month's Luxe Box review is coming to you late as it seems the box was lost by Canada Post somewhere along the way. When we try tracking it down, it stated it was delivered the day we thought it would arrive but never did. A few phone calls to Canada Post on both Loose Button and my end, my box arrived just over a week later.
November's Luxe Box was awesome! I love everything in it especially the bonus of Teaopia Cactus Fig tea! Haven't heard of Loose Button and their Luxe Box check out a couple of my previous post for September and October.
Now on to November Luxe Box by Loose Button:
Lise Watier - Couleur Folle Mineral Loose Powder Eyeshadow in Folie Soleil - This mineral loose powder is paraben free and very shimmery. It is just perfect for the Holidays. You can put it on very light and have it just like a dusting of gold shimmer or heavier for a my golden eye shadow. I love it both was and have had loads of compliments. Received a 1g size. The full size is 2 g ($18)
Dermalogica - Skin Prep Scrub - This is a skin-polishing scrub with natural Corn Cob Meal that leaves your skin smooth. Contains no artifical Fragrance or color and works on all skin types. Received 22ml Full size is 75 ml ($32)
Benefit Cosmetics - B. Right! Total Moisture Facial Cream - This cream contains mango butter which is know to provide moisture. It is a concentrated cream that provides immediate and long lasting hydration. I love the smell and feel of my face after applying this cream. Plus the jar is so cute! Received 8.9 g jar Full size 42.8g ($38)
Mereadesso - Lip Treats - Okay so I love lip balms and gloss so this was an awesome sample. Lip Treats is a blend of evening primrose, grape seed, coconut and sunflower oils, enhanced by the added benefits of Vitamin A, C and E. Prefect as a primer for any lipstick, gloss or lipliner. Not waxy and makes your lips kissable. Recieved: 1 lip treats Full size: 2 lip treats ($28)
Check out Loose Button for their options for the Luxe Box subsciptions. It really is like each month is a birthday or Christmas. It is also a lot of fun trying out new beauty products. You can subscribe monthly, quarterly or yearly, which ever is best for you.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Loose Button. I did receive a complimentary November box for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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