It's not yet snowing here in Ontario Canada which is alright with me. Don't get me wrong, I do love the white stuff but I prefer only a month or two of it instead of 6 months! I know I hear you already "But you live in Canada!" I know I should be used to it but I am not. I do love the holidays and love having a snowy Christmas. Christmas isn't the same without the ground covered in snow in my opinion.
As a child did you ever wonder how snow was made? I remember learning about snow, snowflakes and ice back in elementary school.
My children are at that stage in their lives that they want to know everything and anything about EVERYTHING, especially my son. So when I was given the opportunity from Thomas Allen & Son Ltd to review a new book by Gail Gibbons called It's Snowing! I was excited to share this with my children.
It's Snowing! also describes what whiteouts are, who are Meteorologists and what is involved for the town/city clean up after a winter storm. Gail is great with describing the terms in easy to understand words and great pictures that are fun for the kids. I also love that the book is in metric and imperial for US and Canadians.
At the end of the book there are some fun snow facts, like did you know it is believed Wilson Bentley was the first person to take pictures of Snowflakes? He took 100 pictures back in 1928 with a camera that magnified them. He then became known as Snowflake Bentley.
You can find It's Snowing! by Gail Gibbons at Chapters or Amazon, if you would like to find a book store near you please head over to Canadian Booksellers Association.
You can find Thomas Allen & Son Ltd on Facebook and also on Twitter.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom on behalf of Thomas Allen & Son Ltd. I did receive a complimentary copy of It's Snowing by Gail Gibbons for review purpose. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
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