It's that time of year again and my children have their fundraising task to help their school raise $2,000. Like last year my children are doing the magazine fundraiser. I have them set up online for easy ordering from family and friends. This year I also thought I would reach out to my wonderful readers for you to also to get a chance to receive some great deals on magazines, up to 85% off the cover price and also help my children fundraise for their school.
It is a great time to pick out a new or renew a subscription to your favorite magazine or order one for the Holidays for family or friends. There are hundreds of different magazines available to chose from including Sports, Women's, Food and also Children's.
On average our school will earn $10.00 from every subscription and I would love my children to be able to help out with a goal of 10-15 subscriptions each. I will be picking up a couple for ourselves and maybe even a couple gifts.
The subscription are open to Canadian residents and ship within 4-6 weeks. This is prefect timing for the holiday season!
I have two links and you can choose which ever link as one is for A and the other is for P. The links are direct to their account to help fundraise for their school.
Please click on either link to support P (LEV2) and/or A (LEV3) in helping support their school fundraiser. If you are asked for a ID code those are the codes above in the link either LEV2 for P or LEV3 for A.
Thank you so very much! Please free feel to Tweet or send me an email (jennifer @ if you have any questions when ordering.

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. This is not a sponsored post. Nor should one feel they have to buy a subscription. I am just sharing a great deal and helping my children fund raise. Thanks!*~
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