This past weekend we celebrated A's 4th Birthday!
Four years ago at 8:06am on September 25th,2007 Miss A blessed us with her presence. I can't even start to explain how I feel now about having two school aged children and no more babies in the house. Some days I really miss those little feet and tiny kisses but I also love the interaction I get from P (who is 5) and A (now 4). Sigh.
Another milestone hit and many more to come. This will be quite the adventure I am sure as my children are very night and day. Two very different human beings who I love so very much! I stopped on Sunday night and returned back to them to give them one more hug and kiss before they fell asleep. The time really does fly by way to fast!

~*Disclaimer: This post was written by Canadian Coupon Mom. This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are honest and my own.*~
Happy birthday A! And congrats mama for raising such a cutie! U have wonderful kids :)