
My First Reward

I've been having a lot of fun with blogging. Slowly I am learning more and more everyday. I do still need to learn more about the blog site to make it fresh and more me. But putting that aside I am loving having a blog. I'm very interested in Product Reviews, since I've always loved trying new things and letting family and friends know how I like or don't like them. This way I can tell the world!

Anyways to get to the real point of this post. I won an award from A Motherhood Experience for the good job I am doing on my blog! Thank you Alyssa for the award :) It made my day to find that in my email inbox~

There are rules to accepting such an award and they are:

1. Accept the award and post it on your blog along with the name and blog link of the person granting you this award.
2. Pay it forward to 15 other bloggers you have recently discovered.
3. Contact the bloggers and let them know they've been chosen.

I don't think I can give it back to A Motherhood but if I can it goes back :)

Nolies Place

Toddler Tales by Mommy

Momma Drama

Survey Junkie

Nugglemama's Handful

Two Classy Chics


Simply Stacie

West Coast Momma

the Queen of Swag

I will add more Great blogs very soon!


  1. Thanks so much for the award!!!

  2. Denise4:38 PM

    tweeted on twitter would love this... @denise17 on twitter

  3. Thanks so much ! Sorry for the delay in responding.. I am down with flu and still recovering.


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