With Halloween pretty much around the corner, or as I am told by my 4 year old. What better way to get in the mood for Halloween then a Printable Halloween Party Games Pack! I had the opporuntity to review this
Halloween Party Games Pack from Python Printable Games.
The Review I have had a lot of fun playing the trivia games with my hubby. The kids are not old enough for those yet but Dh and I have played them while just relaxing after the kids go to bed. Some are pretty tricky that they get you thinking. Lots questions from older movies, or books, etc to the 2000's.
The kids have had a lot of fun coloring the coloring pages or the game pieces. They have really enjoyed the matching game and also pin the head on the monster, where there is a monster body and eight different heads to pin on him. I'm actually hoping to get pictures the next time they play it since the batteries needed charging last time.
I really think the game Left, Right are a lot of fun. This game pack includes one for the Fall and one for Halloween. If you have never played Left, Right, it's where everyone sits or stands around in a circle with a gift or loot bag/candy and then one person reads out a story. Everytime you hear Left you pass the item to the person on your left. Same thing goes when you hear Right. When the story is done that is the item you get to keep. I've played it at christmas parties, lots of fun.
There is a great variety of games, coloring pages, trivia, mazes, word searches. Great for spending an afternoon inside with the family.
Cons: The activities are in groups (Chilren, Teens, Adults) on the website but when you download they are all together. I wish they would come in the groups. It would be easier to find what you are looking for if it was in different file folders.
Where to Buy: You can check out all the game packs at
Python Printable Games. Python is giving my readers a sample of coloring pages along with a $5 off coupon til November 30th,2010. Connect with me on
Facebook or email me at foreverhealthyaloe (at)hotmail (dot) com and I will pass along the file :)
What is available: Python has the following game packs available to the buyer:
Father's Day Games pack
BBQ Party Games
Slumber Party Games
Picnic Games
30th Birthday Games
40th Birthday Games
50th Birthday Games
Printable Trivia Quizzes
United States Trivia
Harvest and Thanksgiving Games
and of course the Halloween Games
Disclaimer: I have not received any monetary compensation for this review but did receive free products from Python Printable games to use for the review. These are only my own opinions. This Product Was a Free Giveaway